Accra Report
Report on activities and programs for the month of August
During this month, classes were ongoing. Ten students were present during the studies, except one who was absent due to family challenges. This student will be reseating all the courses for this quarter as required by the schools’ regulations. All instructors did well in the teaching activities until the completion of the research assignment.
Lectureship in Koforidua
Both weekend schools, the regular class, the ministers, and past students from the surrounding churches attended the three (3) day lectureship. The theme for the lectureship was Seeing the Big Picture. The program was more practical on evangelism. Eighty-eight were present for the lectureship. We are grateful to God for the success of the program, seeing the Big Picture and looking at the message from beginning to end. The brothers who facilitated the program did an outstanding job. It was Biblical and good and we commended the work done by them.
We had Bachelor’s class taught by Steven Ashcraft who took them through the introduction to Elementary Greek. This was to pre-equip the students, to be knowledgeable with the alphabet, ascent, breathing marks, syllabification, and parts of speech before the next class on Greek 1. About fifteen students were present for the course.
As part of our program this quarter, we gathered at Ablekuma NIC congregation to partake in a one week house–to–house and public preaching campaign. The community was very interactive during the gospel presentation. They attended in good numbers and contributed to the many questions asked after the presentation. We had no baptism yet, but we promised to pay a visit to study more.
This video has been handy to the school. Through this material, the Nsawam Adoagyiri congregation uses it for their Teen Bible Teachers in their classes. The brethren really enjoy using it in their studies. This is because the instructors teach in clarity and understanding. The teen class has learned How to Read the Bible and now to study How we got the Bible. They have been very grateful for these lessons and really appreciate the effort and the cost of the material.
The Director, Bro. E.O. Larbi visited a student (Bro. Yaw Boadu) and was assigned to teach the congregation Marriage, Divorce, and Remarrying for the month of August. The church was full to its capacity during the second, third, and fourth weeks. Three visitors who were invited to the church were baptized during the period.
Student’s Profile
We also introduce our student John Acquah. A young man of Twenty-seven years old, and a student at the University of Education. He is single. He has been in the faith for a couple of years. He preaches for the Batanyah congregation and was admitted to the Bear Valley School this year, 2022. He has been very good in academics and fluent in evangelism and teaching activities. He is also helpful, humble, and willing to serve when he is called on a mission. He has been one of the students who we send to help the rural churches in the central region.
The school is very grateful for such brethren. We always request that you remember our students in prayer so that they may be well enlightened as all instructors strive to teach the doctrine of Christ.
We also appreciate the willful giving for the support and your prayers. God richly bless you.
Report by E. O. Larbi