Report : Extented Program
BVBI - Kara, Togo
Tuesday, 30th June 2022
Greetings from the Churches of Christ around Kara-Togo.
We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, for your desire to continue to help us for the Great Commission we all doing here in north of Togo true your help.
1- Actual number of Students : 07
2- Number of the Instructors : 03
3- The courses that are being taught:
a- Genesis by KAGNON Luc
b- Matthew by Rodrigue
c- John ( Gospel according to John) by Fidele
4- Congregational Activities
a- Worship and edification
We thank God for the Bible college school here in Kara. With the students, the worshipping and edification of churches becomes easier. We are making groups for studies for each congregation. All this helps us to establish a follow-up program for churches to build strong and mature congregations in the future and these mature congregations will have the ability to plant other congregations. Thus, twice in the month each congregation is organizing itself for door to door evangelism in their locality to help the church to grow in number.
Currently, another challenge for us in and around Kara is the church doctrine called “One Cup” which wants to destroy our efforts by deceiving our members with their “false teaching.” Faced with this problem, we have prepared a series of lessons that we are teaching to all congregations to prepare our members to be strong against this “One Cup” doctrine. So, the Bible said in Acts 20:30 – “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves”. This situation needs your prayers seriously.
We thank God with the arrival of our zealous Missionary Steven on June 7th to 14th, 2022 in Kara here. We had not seen him in two years due to the closure of the Togo borders as a result of COVID. He solved many problems wisely and gave to the Bible school Instructors many advices and teachings to help them to be able to help our students. We spent a week of joy with him. We ate together with him. He is very simple. We hope to share again these good times with him. We are blessed by his arrival here in Kara.
b- Campaigns
As COVID19 is gone, we began once again with our evangelistic campaigns. This program is well needed to help congregations to grow in number with the help of other preachers in various localities. This program is also helping us to plant other new congregations. Since January we organized three (3) Campaigns in Lassa (a new congregation), in Tchitchao, and in the city of Kara. During these campaigns we had some people baptized. We need your prayers for these new Christians to continue to be the faithful.
5- Up Coming programs
We are currently planning on having “a denominational program”. This program is going to help us to discuss and teach the truth to denominational leaders and pastors in the area and be able to bring them into the church. Some of them could become students in the Bear Valley Bible College. This program is also another good way to help the church to grow. This program is going to be directed by Rodrigue. We pray for the success of this program.
We are planning on having recruitment campaigns in Dapaong, Korbongou and Kara. We plan to have more students in our Bible school.
We are also planning on having a Preachers Seminar in Kara on July 5th to 7th, 2022 on the topic : The Preacher and his work.
We are planning on having other seminars concerning Men and Women and Congregations Leaders before the end of the year. All those programs need your prayers.
6- Radio Program
We continue to preach the gospel on “Missionary Radio”. This radio station is a denominational one. Now, the owners of this station are not allowing us to take questions during our preaching as they did in the beginning. They also remark that the denominational pastors are not allowing their members to continue to listen to our radio time because our preaching is different. This brings confusions among their members. Our desire is to go and preach on the public radio. So, everyone is going to hear the truth. And God willing, we are going to have people to discuss and study with them personally. Additional funds will need to be raised to move to the other radio station since it is more expensive.
In Christ,