Full Time and the Extended Programs
After sending our May report, we were hopeful that we will meet again to continue to share with you the news of the work that you are supporting here at Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. And at this point, we are grateful to God for keeping us till now so we could continue to work in His vineyard. In the midst of intense and high inflation in the whole world, you continue to support the work here, hence you deserve to be appreciated and commended, our dear brethren. As we share this June, 2022 report with you, we pray that it finds you doing well. This report will cover the following subheadings: weekend evangelism and conversion of a soul, end of third quarter academic activities, alumni update, student’s sickness, and a graduate’s profile. Below are the details of the report:
As we informed you before, our students (full time), some members of the churches of Christ in Kenema and some staff go for evangelism every weekend and the month of June was not an exception. Now in Sierra Leone it is rainy season therefore sometimes it rains on our students and some staff while on the field, but the Gospel must be shared. The month of June was not so fruitful for us in respect to conversions because we recorded only one (1) baptism. However, we are grateful to the Lord for the soul He added to His Church.
Our full time students successfully ended their first year third quarter academic activities on June 30, 2022. In that quarter, eight (8) courses were covered: Life of Christ 2 (Mark), The Book of Acts, Hermeneutics 2, 1 Corinthians, Prison Epistles, How We Got the Bible, Computer Studies 3, and Basic English Grammar 3. We taught the classes to the best of our abilities and all our 20 students took the courses and ended the quarter. We appreciate Bear Valley continually for the opportunity to serve.
In our April report, we informed you that we want to closely work with our graduates. Therefore, in this attempt, an alumni meeting was held at the school campus. Based on the conclusions (like the activeness of the graduates on the preaching field, maintaining communication with the administration, challenges that are being faced, what can be done for more evangelistic work to be carried out, etc) arrived at during the meeting, the school administration has been in constant contact with many of the graduates. Many of them are actively working in their respective congregations and are involved in the evangelistic work. One of those actively working is Brother Emmanuel Focko. The profile of Emmanuel will be given under the “Graduate’s Autobiography” section. However, upon his graduation from KBVBI in 2019, he returned to his home town, Koindu. After a while, Emmanuel thought of extending his evangelistic activities to a village called Weima, located around the environs of Koindu Town. He, together with some brethren at his congregation, Kpuya Church of Christ, Koindu, decided to go to Weima and evangelize. Their efforts led to the birth of Weima Church of Christ, which was established in 2019. Weima congregation currently has an attendance of 50-60 members weekly. More information about this congregation will be stated under the profile of Emmanuel. Like Emmanuel, other graduates are also working as stated above. We would have involved some pictorial evidence regarding some of their works but the challenge many of them are facing as they always tell us is that, many of them do not have android phones or cameras to take pictures.
Health challenges are those things one cannot avoid in life, and this is also true of one of our full time students: Godfrey Bawoh. Brother Godfrey is one of our students from the republic of Liberia. He has been suffering from a stomach problem for so long. This sickness however started before he was even admitted at the KBVBI. The administration has done her best to take him to the hospital but he still complains of the same issue. His family members requested that he go home and try local herbs again. Therefore, as the quarter came to an end, he also went for a break. We are trusting God that Godfrey recovers and resumes back with his colleagues. Please remember your brother in your prayers as you have always done.
Emmanuel Fayia Fock is one of our first graduates and one of the current staff. He graduated as the best student during his time. Brother Emmanuel was born to Sullo Fayia and Finda Fayia, Christian parents who were baptized in Guinea by Brother Francis Musa. He was born on the 10th February, 1993. Emmanuel grew with his parents and was later baptized in 2007. Since his baptism, Brother Emmanuel has been actively involved in the church activities at Kpuya Church of Christ, his home congregation then. He had been officiating collections, Lord’s Supper, and reading scriptures at Kpuya congregation. The coming of Bear Valley Bible Institute was a great blessing to Emmanuel. Upon hearing the emergence of this Bible school, Emmanuel expressed the desire to be enrolled so he could learn more and be better equipped in the ministry. He was eventually enrolled and pursued his studies. While at Bear Valley, he stood distinguished among his mates; his behavior and commitment to his studies were noticeable. He served as the student president while here. Finally, Emmanuel graduated as the best student. He was maintained by the school and till now, he is one of our committed staff. What is even more interesting about Emmanuel is that, upon his graduation in 2019, he returned home and established a local congregation at Weima. His convictions about evangelism and his full involvement in it has led to a tremendous growth of the Weima congregation. Currently, 50-60 congregants meet every Sunday. Moreover, Emmanuel did not sit to wait for some outside support to come and build a worship hall for the Weima congregation. He motivated the brethren (all are peasant farmers) to put their attention to raising a worship hall. As we write, they are on the painting and casting the floor. Such effort is worth commending and supporting! He presently preaches at the congregation. Brother Emmanuel’s photograph and the Weima congregation shall appear in the pecking order at the end of this report.
As we conclude this report, we say a big “Thank you” for reading through to the end.. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.