Greetings from Cebu, Philippines:
The BVBI-Philippines Cebu school is officially back after two years of not being able to meet together because of the pandemic. Our students were very excited to see each other again and resume studying the word of God. This month we studied the interesting book of Acts. We studied how the gospel spread from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, and the persecutions that went with it. We also learned the importance of continuing the mission of sharing the gospel to the lost.
During the week, seven of our students went on a short mission trip to the beautiful island of Olango to encouraged the brethren there. This church is ministered by one of our student, Jhobert Sabang and the students who went with him were Alvin Legaspe, Junven Calijan, Nino Rey Felicano, Michael Parilla, Ronel Romano and Bong Jumawan. Junven led the short devotional and the brethren in Olango were very encouraged to hear the wonderful message. Our students are planning to go back Olango, Lord willing, and share the message of salvation to the people in that island.
We pray that our great God will bless these plans.
In His Service,
Neil Emperado
Director-BVBI Phils, Cebu