Reporting Letter for the month of April-2022
Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian the director of International Biblical Studies, beloved brother Mark Reynolds the coordinator of Bear Valley Bible Institute and all the prayer partners of Bear Valley Bible Institute , Tirupati-India greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may finds you good health. We thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement for the success of the BVBI-extension center in Tirupati-India. We are happy to report you for the month of April-2022.
Class room work: By the grace of God we had excellent classes in the month of April. We appreciate all the teachers for their hardship. We have completed the books of 1&2 Thessalonians , Colossians , Hebrews, 1&2 Peter, Jude and New Testament worship in the month of April.
Baptisms:- in the month of April, 10 souls were baptized. Four of those baptized are people who are visually challenged . We request your prayers for the spiritual growth of these precious news babies in Christ.
All India Leadership Seminar: God has blessed our All India Leadership Seminar which was held on April-28th &29th , 2022. The theme for the seminar was Back to Basics. We studied the book of Jude and selected these topics: 1. Introduction to the book of Jude, 2. Contending for the faith. 3. The description of false teachers 4. The Historical proof that God will judge the wicked 5. Winning souls, 6.Build up on the holy faith. 7.Pray in Holy spirit. We are happy to inform you that there were more than 300 people who attended for the seminar and were spiritually strengthened by the word of God. We appreciate the speakers and their dedication to serve the souls by presenting the wonderful lectures.
Ever since i was graduated from N.B.C , Chennai i have been in touch with the college. We have received enough encouragement from the director of N.B.C for the grand success of the “All India Leadership Seminar,” and for that we are thankful to them.
Audio Bibles Distribution:- We have distributed 30 audio bibles for the visually challenged people in the month of April-2022.
Old students ‘s filed reports:- We are highly delighted to hear from previous batch students who graduated in 2021. They have been conducting home bible studies, children classes, youth classes and planting local churches. One of the students Mr.Jaykumar and his wife Ruth have been working at hills and mountain side areas . They are living about 700 miles away from the BVBI, Tirupati. They requested 20 bibles so we purchased and sent them by transport service . This family is doing wonderful ministry.
Summer: In India it is summer season, all the schools and colleges don’t operate in the month of May due to the high temperatures. Unfortunately my brother-in-law was affected by a sun stroke last week . After March and April busy classroom work, we have given the students a break in the month of May. All the students will participate in the practical work at their local churches while on “break.” When they return to the bible college in the month of June they will submit a report on the work they did. We have appointed our teachers for the follow-up work.
We are thankful to the elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ for their love and commitment to establish BVBI-extension center at Tirupati-India. We sincerely express our gratitude and thanks to our International director and coordinators for their restless follow-up work for the smooth function of our extension center. We request your continual prayers and encouragement.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in Christ
B.Vijaya Kumar, BVBI-Extension Centre ‘s director from Tirupati-India