Bear Valley Bible Institute
Ekwendeni – Malawi
Hello! We are happy to be back in class after a long holiday. We extended our holiday by a month due to the late coming of the rains; for which we don’t blame God as everything is under His control. We have a saying “What comes from above has no case to answer”. We reopened on the 7th of March, 2022 and we received good news from our students that happened during their holiday. We are also glad to share this in this report. We were also blessed to have Donnie come for the short course in the second week of March. He taught the epistle to the Hebrews. After his class on Hebrews, Donnie, the teachers, and all the students went to see the construction of the hostel progress where the students were amazed and suggested they be allocated there but the challenge is that there are no toilets yet, and the kitchen and shower rooms are not constructed yet. It is all exciting! God has been faithful to us!
Preaching and teaching
Our students are coming from 10 districts in 3 major regions of Malawi, Northern, Central and Southern regions respectively. This shows that the good news about the Bear valley school is known all over Malawi. The preaching work report from our students during holiday time has been outstanding and wonderful. It has been reported that there have been 44 baptisms during the holiday, 145 restorations, and also 50 World Bible School students enrolled with Brother Thomas who is one of our current students. Brother Thomas is one of the World Bible School helpers. This is exciting news to see and hear souls being added to the church every time. Let us join hands praying for the saved souls to grow in Spirit and in the knowledge of the word of Christ.
Teaching work is in progress. The first week of March 7-11, Brother Clergynton taught the Marriage and Family course, and the second week it was Brother Donnie with the Hebrews epistle. We have really started well.
As we are looking towards the completion of the hostel block construction work finished, we still have a long way to go before we shift to our new place this year. We have to build toilets, kitchen and shower rooms, of which we hope God will help us get them done. We still ask your prayers for this work, renting has been expensive and especially this time of the year when everything is skyrocketing daily.
Gospel campaigns
We are thankful to many congregations and preachers from the villages asking the school to help in preaching campaigns. We are looking forward to getting back in the field to help souls come to Christ. Prayers are needed so that God opens doors for this work.
All in all, we are thankful to Bear Valley International for the monthly support and many prayers. We are also thankful to Brother Tim and John and the whole congregation for partnering with Bear Valley International to help in the construction of the hostel block. We don’t take this for granted, you are such a blessing to us. We always pray for you and your families knowing for sure that this work still needs your involvement. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!
In His VineYard,
Ephron and Clergynton.