Wotutu school works to expand the kingdom

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world and a gracious and happy new year to you. We do hope you all made it into 2022 with sound health and a great focus to keep serving the Lord. We are doing well, and by His grace we are into the new year without many challenges.

This year is full of promise, as we see God taking us into another dimension in His work. We are ready, and we are prepared to do well in our calling in Him. We call on God for His help. 

Last year closed with our students out for mission work. My wife and I were also involved in the mission work of visiting and nurturing congregations around the Meme division in Cameroon. It was a great time for us as well.

I was privileged again to introduce the theme of the year 2022 in the Wotutu congregation. I also analyzed the theme, and we are trusting that God will bring a new resolve into the life of many who are under our voices.

The students are all back in school and two of our students, Lyambe Francis and Fon Ndinsang got married in the course of the vacation. We are set, and we are rolling in the first quarter of the second year. We have great courses to study which include, “Intertestamental History,” “The Book of Romans,” ”Minor Prophets,” ”2 Corinthians,” and “World Religions.” Keep us in your prayers as we invest our time in teaching and in transferring knowledge to the students who are very much ready to learn.

Many Brightland Christian Comprehensive College students keep coming to our students at BVBIC-Wotutu to learn more from the topics they hear in Chapel. We are blessed to have many avenues for our student preachers to grow. Speaking during chapel and speaking in the Wotutu congregation are added advantages to their learning. The Brightland schools are a fertile land for the gospel.

My wife and I were out of Wotutu for one week of mission work in the Meme division . Its aim was to visit our graduates around that area. It was great to meet them, and to see them being active in their respective congregations. To this same light, I am still planning, and eagerly hoping, to be in the country of Chad with my wife for the work we started doing there last year with brother Ititi. The country of Chad needs more motivation and encouragement. It is very barren spiritually. That is why I wish to travel there with my wife who will be very active in helping the women so that they can start helping other women and children. There is no women’s class in the entire country as well as no children’s class in any of the congregations.

Our students were busy in different communities during the last field work as they were evangelizing and nurturing congregations. Many people suspended what they were doing to listen to the word. It is good for the students to have these opportunities of preaching and teaching in different communities.

Congregations without preachers are always smiling as they welcome a preacher from our campus to their congregation. It is always good to taste how sweet the gospel is when it is presented from a sound angle. Our students do us proud with their zeal and love for the Lord who died for us on the old rugged cross.

Congregations in areas that have been highly affected by the crisis and who had closed their doors are being revived now as our students are entering there, and our God is causing great revival. Three new congregations were established in December 2021 during mission work by our students.

Even with her disability and advanced age, our dear sister will cook for our students and make sure they are safe in her village as they preach the gospel. This is some of the great faith we see daily from God’s children. Keep her and others like her in your prayers.

One of the congregations established last month meets in a new convert’s house. She offered her sitting room for the worship of God and the study of the word within the week. Our students can go there weekly to conduct worship and Bible classes. The landlord is mad at the sister for this. Things like this are some of the challenges we face as we establish new congregations in different places.

The Wotutu congregation is growing rapidly. Because of this, we have demolished the walls that set my office in the church hall apart. Now I don’t have an office in the worship hall, so all of my counseling and praying for people is done from a bench in the hall. Glory be to God for growth!

This Brightland student, Anita Welle, obeyed the gospel. She is now a part of the Wotutu congregation. Keep her in your prayers. Her grandmother is a Christian who will encourage her to grow faster.

One of our preaching students, Prinslo, went to the northwest area and preached in the community of Dunga Matung. While there, he baptized 35 souls within 3 weeks. This was a very strong indication that the field is still very ripe, even after we have graduated 5 different batches of students. Even now it is still true that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. Brother Denis baptized a soul in the newly established congregation in Kotto village. There is more work going on in many different places.

Sister Senge, our nurse who had a spinal surgery, is recovering. Please keep her in your prayers.

We will continue with our weekend evangelism every week. Keep our plans in your prayers.


Thank you very much for all that you do for us here. We are grateful.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on February 10, 2022 .