October was a month filled with various activities at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. It was a month to remember for many students and congregations as they parted with students who were doing their practical. It was a month when BVBIZ started her first ever Preachers’ Retreat and graduation lecture and fundraising program. These and many other issues are covered in this report.
BVBIZ did their practical from June to October. Another practical was done last year besides weekend evangelism programs, one week campaigns each term and holiday preaching. In 2022, students did their practical in the following congregations Mupudzi, Zvishavane, Hatcliff, Chivero, Acturus, Highfield, Ziko, Manyame, Mbembesi, Sipaba, Lot 64, Mutawatawa, Triangle, Shurugwi, Derembwe, Concession and Nhedziwa. Great appreciation goes to these congregations for hosting the students and partnering the school in this training dimension. The highlights of the program are that 3 congregations began during this period. In total there were 59 conversions and 19 restorations. The following statistics from June to October summaries the program;
Total hours put in 2916
Sermons preached (church) 148
Sermons preached (funerals) 8
Devotions conducted 397
Bible classes taught 105
Baptisms 59
Restorations 19
Prospects 1683
Counselling sessions 48
Hospital visitations 27
WBS courses distributed 1290
Tracts distributed 2739
Congregations started 3
The school held its first ever PREACHER’S RETREAT from the 26th -28th of the month. The theme of the retreat was “REST A WHILE.” The event was organized by a committee composed of preachers in the field and a staff representative. The idea is to encourage preachers to avoid burnout. The preachers were treated to a time out at a resort closer to the school. Some sporting activities also took place during the outing. Lessons were also given in an attempt to encourage and empower the preachers.
BVBIZ’s first ever graduation lecture took place on the 29th of October. The presenter was Dr. Paul Shupikai Chimhungwe, the vice principal of a College in Botswana. The topic was; THE PROBLEM OF EVIL: WHY ARE THE MAJORITY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST PREACHERS IN ZIMBABWE SUFFERING. The presenter dwelt on possible causes of the scourge and proffered some solutions as well. The graduates to-be were to take note of the issues as they go into the field. The lecture is code named THE ISAIAH SUWARI MEMORIAL Graduation Lecture. The late Isaiah was instrumental in the beginning of the school but passed away just a few days before the opening date. The school is grateful to Dr. P.S. Chimhungwe for the voluntary sacrifice he made in travelling all the way from Botswana to fulfill this task.
The graduation proper finally took place on the 29th of October. The event went on smoothly. The guest speakers were Dr. Hailey Velaphi Mlangeni, an elder at Bulawayo Central Church of Christ and Paul Gidden of Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. The following graduated on the day;
Eric Mushonga
Bongani Sithole
Remember Mhlanga
Melody Maseko
Thomas Musongora
Thabani Dlamini
Blessed Marufu
Michael Kasimu
Samandra Kalima
Christopher Mutambirwa
Tinashe Moyana
Tawanda Tinofa
Kudakwashe Simemeza
Method Moyo
Edson Julius
Tonderai Kafile
Isaac Chipendo
Simbarashe Chitanda
Several students received awards during the graduation ceremony. BVBIZ would like to thank all those who sponsored the awards. Most of these awards are named after their sponsor.
1. The Raradza Valedictorian Award (student with highest grades) Christopher Mutambirwa
2. Best Female student (female student with the highest grades) Samandra Kalima
3. Most Improved student Blessed Marufu
4. The Nyahada Leadership Award Tonderai Kafile
5. The Kufa Barnabas Award Bongani Sithole; Kudakwashe Simemeza
6. ALDN Entrepreneurship Award (The best in life survival skills) Simbarashe Chitanda, Michael Kasimu
7. Borrowdale Church of Christ homiletics award Remember Mhlanga, Christopher Mutambirwa
8. Languages award (highest grades in Hebrew & Greek) Tinashe Moyana
9. The Marandure Young Timothy Award (best in evangelism) Tinashe Moyana
10. The Partners for Africa Melchizedek Award (The best oldest student) Edson Julius
11. The Isaiah Suwari Memorial award (the best visionary student) Remember Mhlanga
12. The Gamaliel Award (the best Bible class teacher) Tawanda Tinofa
BVBIZ was blessed to have Paul Gidden (Missions Committee chairman at Woodland Oaks Church of Christ) and Donnie Estep (the BVBII regional director). They came on the 24th of October and left on the 30th of the same month. The two participated in Retreat activities whilst Donnie, taught Christian Evidences on the 25th and 26.th These two brothers were part of the guest speakers during the graduation ceremony, as well. BVBIZ was left encouraged by this visit and remain thankful to these sacrifices.
From the 22nd to the 25th of October, the first phase of sign language training took place. The teacher was Charles Muzambi, a BVBIZ 2021 graduate who was seconded in 2021 to go for an intensive Sign Language training. BVBIZ continues to push so that every preacher from any school receives such training. Charles is available to help.
On the 1st of October, a fundraising program was held in Harare towards the construction of a classroom block with offices estimated to cost around $35000. Many activities took place including a ,marathon, aerobics, Bible quiz, Business expo among other activities. The following transpired
Total money raised $3025
Total expenses $1414.22
Total Money in hand $1072
Total money pledged $539
BVBIZ always seeks to do its part locally to raise an extra dollar so as to meet its budgetary needs. Projects are part of the strategy. The sale of broilers and eggs from the layers project continued in the month though the price of eggs is currently subdued. A small tuckshop continues to make a difference. Products from our garden continued to be sold as well. The produce includes lettuce, cabbages, cucumbers and tomatoes.
The school continues to welcome donations in whatever form. We continue to thank the Chirenda Family for its consistent support to the school ($100 monthly). The gesture continues to make a huge difference in the school.
The school received $100 towards the layers project from a Woodland Oaks church of Christ member. The money will be a huge contribution towards the much needed fowl run for the layers. About $750 is needed to construct the fowl run. The room currently housing the layers is small and has a detrimental effect on production. The ventilation is inadequate as well.
Bicycles are the mode of transport for students going for evangelism during weekends. The maximum distance that students travel is 32km (to and fro). The school has not been able to service a number of congregations due to the lack of bicycles to use. The two bicycles that the school had before have had constant repairs due to over use and were no longer reliable. Great appreciation goes to Partners for Africa for donating 3 bicycles towards this cause. 6 more are needed for an effective evangelism effort
8.3 WIFI
One of the challenges BVBIZ has been having for some time is the lack of internet. Wifi routers from various network providers had failed to work due to poor network. The only option was the installation of a satellite dish. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ, through Paul Gidden, for providing $600 for this installation.
The words of Paul in Philippians 4.8 may be ideal to end this report. They capture many amazing things the month of October brought to BVBIZ. Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. To God be the glory!.