The greatest work that man should embrace in this world is to serve God, not only to save his own soul, but also to help other lost souls to be saved.
This is also how the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute is and we work together with the same feeling and spirit in carrying out the various activities that are detailed in this report.
Teaching / Classroom :
To build up and enlarge the church, we must first train and or edify evangelists; and to edify the evangelists, we must teach them the word of God. That is why during the 31 days of October, the Gueckedou Bear Valley school taught the following subjects :
-The plan of Salvation by Balla Kamano from the 26th/9/ to 3th/10/2022
- Hermeneutics 1 by Antoine Fassa Tolno from 4th to the 10th/10/2022
- Homiletics 1 by Niouma 2 Kamano from the 11th to the 17th/10/2022
- The Gospel of Matthew by Antoine Fassa Tolno from the 18h to the 21th /10/2022
A written evaluation was done at the end of the teaching of each course and the results were satisfactory.
Evangelism :
The heart of our activities is evangelism. This is so because evangelism is the mission that the Lord Jesus Christ entrusted to the disciples to lead lost souls on the way to eternal salvation.
During the month under review, this mission was carried out in several forms, namely, door-to-door personal evangelism, the radio gospel broadcast and the gospel campaign all of which yielded to the conversion of 20 precious souls who accepted Christ under the following descriptions :
A new congregation was planted in the village of Kendessoua. This was possible as a result of a strong contribution of student Balla Frangadouno, one of those currently in studies here at the Bear Valley school and through the support and preaching done that night resulting in 7 baptisms by our brother, Francis Musa.
The productive presence of our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft who gave a strong hand in the conversion of 9 souls – 6 and 3 on Sunday October 30, 2022 in the villages of Kendessoua and Bouliedou respectively.
We are proud to mention and appreciate the great courage of our Coordinator, Steven who despite the bad state of our roads went with us to the distant villages to preach the good news during his brief visit.
Graduation ceremony
As it is customary with Bear Valley, at the end of the training of each class, a ceremony must be organized for the official presentation of the diplomas to the graduates.
Such a ceremony was therefore held on October 29, 2022 for the graduation of the second batch of students from the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Guinea. This ceremony was preceded by a day of Bible teaching in a seminar on October 28.
We are pleased to inform you that the ceremony was successful to the glory of the Lord. About 850 persons were present among which were the representatives of the Prefectural and Communal authorities.
We thank our God the Alpha and the Omega for his infinite love to help us in our weaknesses through Jesus Christ our Savior.
We thank and give appreciation with special emphasis to our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft for his courage and determination to be available night and day in seasons, favorable and unfavorable conditions to serve Christ in the context of flourishing the church of God in Guinea.
We also thank Bear Valley International for their unconditional support of God’s work in Guinea through its extension school in Gueckedou.
In short, we are thankful to all those who contributed in any way to the success of the graduation ceremony of the second class of students here at the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Gueckedou, Guinea.
May God abundantly bless each one of you according to your works of labor.