Full-Time and the Extended Programs
The family of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sierra Leone brings you greetings. We are hopeful that God has been taking care of you all, just as He has been doing for us here. This is another opportunity we have to share with you our exciting and successful October report. In October, our full-time students completed year one and went on a month's break. Our extended program continued. We also held one Bible Lectureship at the school campus. Moreover, our coordinator, Brother Steve Ashcraft visited us; three souls were converted, and we attended the Bear Valley graduation in the Republic of Guinea.
END OF YEAR ONE (Full-Time Program)
Our full-time students successfully ended their first year by completing all the fourth quarter courses on October 25, 2022. In that quarter, eight (8) courses were covered: Old Testament 3: Wisdom Literature, Life of Christ 3 (Luke), New Testament Church 2 (Worship), Homiletics 2, 2 Corinthians, Personal Evangelism 2, Computer Studies 4, and Basic English Grammar 4. All the courses were completely taught and our staff was committed to their tasks. As you know, while our full-time students went on break, our extended students continued with their classes. You can see that our staff barely have time here to rest.
As we informed you before, our students (full-time), some members of the churches of Christ in Kenema, and some staff go for evangelism every weekend and the month of October was no exception. The month of October was not so fruitful for us with respect to conversions because we recorded only three baptisms. However, we are grateful to the Lord for the three souls He added to His Church.
As far as we remember, we requested your prayers in our September report regarding the lectureship that had been scheduled to take place on 7th to 9th October, 2022. We thank you for your prayers; the lectureship was successfully held and many people attended the program. The caption for the lectureship was, “FACTORS AFFECTING MARRIAGE AMONG CHRISTIANS IN CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN KENEMA DISTRICT.” The rationale behind this topic is that a home is a very important unit that contributes greatly toward the growth of every local congregation. If Christian homes are not built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, then there is no way we can have a church that pleases God.
We are very thankful to God for the visit of our dear brother, Steve Ashcraft, from the U.S.A. Brother Steve had some health challenges prior to his visitation; we prayed and even though he had not completely recovered, he came down to Africa. We were so encouraged by his arrival. Upon his visitation, he benevolently encouraged our students to remain focused and dedicated to the cause of Christ and their studies. Not only that, but he also shared some gifts with our students and staff. Moreover, he held a very successful meeting with the staff of KBVBI. Brother Steve indeed is a lover of God and a leader to follow. This is so because he is very committed to the work of God. We are very privileged to have him as our coordinator.
Our administration was invited to the Gueckedou, Guinea graduation exercise which took place from the 28th-29th of October 2022. Nine of us as staff attended the program, and in the end, it was very successful. We are very grateful for the privilege to serve through Bear Valley.
As we are all serving our Master, may He say to us on the last day, “Well done my humble servants…”