September 2022 Activity Report
The Christian's work is one of imitation of the Lord's way of life recorded on the pages of the New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 11:1 the apostle Paul said to imatate him "even as l also am of Christ". Thus, the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute composed of staff, students and other workers is no exception. In the month of September, we have amongst other activities endeavored to imitate the Lord in teaching, in prayer and in charitable works as outlined below. Follow with us as we enlighten you in a 6 points report of what transpired here in September.
I- Teaching / Classroom:
Since we are to entrust the word of God to faithful men who will be able to teach others also, and as part of our obligation for which we are supported, our staff members engaged the students in the following 4 courses:
1- Discipleship from 01 to 07 September, taught by Tamba Emmanuel Kamano
2- Personal Evangelism from 08 to 15 September, taught by Niouma 2 Kamano
3- Hermeneutics 1 from 16 to 23 September, taught by Antoine Fassa Tolno.
4- Scheme of Redemption from 26 Sept to 03 Oct 2022 taught by Balla Kamano.
Due to the necessity of required credit hours, the last course extends until October 03.
There was an evaluation of the students following the end of every course and the results were satisfactory.
II- Evangelism:
One of the major activities which we as Christians can and should do to imitate the Lord who went about everywhere preaching the kingdom is to evangelise for the salvation of lost souls. In the month of September, the Bear Valley Bible Institute conducted various preaching activities in different areas all of which resulted to 10 baptisms. May God be glorified for this.
III- Youth Bible camp:
To express our heart felt desire for the oneness in faith and practice as examplified by Jesus with the Father, the Gueckedou Bear Valley students also attended the "Youth Bible Camp" in N'zerekore. Indeed a number of participants of several congregations in Gueckedou responded massively to the invitation of our brethren, the Bellevue church of Christ - N'zerekore to share the word of God on the theme "Salvation and the Christian's Responsibility".
A 20-seated minibus vehicle and 4 motorbikes each carrying 2 persons were made available through financial support for all the above named participants by the top administration of the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute.
A special prayer period was observered before the trip and the gracious Lord answered it to his glory. It was such a favorable time so that the evangelists who were present ceased the opportunity to preach peace and unity in the faith.
IV- Spiritual working materials /Bibles:
In order to facilitate further research work for our next coming graduates, we have asked and received 12 copies of the "Thompson Chain References Bible". These will be a general award or gift, an encouragement to the 12 students who will be certificated on graduation day.
V- Graduation:
We will like to use this means through this report to inform and cordially invite you to the graduation ceremony of the second batch of students from the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. The program is scheduled to take place here at the Institute's premises at Bambo Antenne in Gueckedou on 29th October 2022.
We also solicit your spiritual, moral, material and especially financial contributions for the success of the ceremony.
VI- Thanks and Appreciations:
We thank the God that we serve for his infinite love.
We also thank the Bear Valley International for the unending moral, spiritual, material and financial support by which we are further motivated to work for the salvation of lost souls.
Our appreciations to our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft for his love and determination to grow the church of Christ in Guinea.
We thank brother Francis Musa for his willingness to share with us his technical and spirituel experiences in the work of God.
Brothers Barry Baggott, Ken Stanley and all other brothers and sisters are to be commended for their every support in the work of the church of God in Guinea
We pray that God will bless you all abundantly and that God may use us mightily in His vineyard for the glory of His name.