Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from Cameroon. We do hope this report finds you well. God is good! We are good and facing the bitter reality of life as we have lost a loved one in the family and in the congregation.
The students are still busy in the mission field covering different areas with preaching and teaching the gospel of Christ free of charge to many on their way.
Last week here was characterized with ups and downs as I was shuffling between my office in the Bible college, some classrooms in Brightland Christian Comprehensive College, and the hospital where my father was battling with a stroke and a serious blood infection. Thanks for all the prayers you rendered to God on behalf of my father. God has finally made the decision to call my father to stay with Him.
Last week, on Sunday, I had the opportunity to preach a sermon entitled, “LAUGHTER IMPROVES OUR HEALTH” from Proverbs 17:22. We decided on our sermon series on health, as many in our congregation are going through some difficult health challenges. The Bible is helping us greatly.
Please keep the Esowe family in your prayers in this time of mourning. God has called my father to glory. He has gone back to his Master. Many thanks to God for using me to lead my father to Christ after I graduated from the Bible College in Nigeria. I am happy that my father died as a serious Christian. He died at the age of 80 years, leaving behind my mother, 7 biological children, 18 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild, along with a host of many in the Wotutu community and elsewhere to mourn him.
Tchemi Giresse is one of the nurses who was helping my father. Because of my father’s sickness, I could not go for mission work with my students but we have souls everywhere. The gospel is always very sweet to share with people who have an open heart. Brother Tchemi Giresse has a servant heart. He obeyed the gospel and I was the one who was able to baptize him. When we left the water he said, “I AM HAPPY TO KNOW THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, I WAS TOTALLY LOST BEFORE THIS TIME.” Please keep him in your prayers as he will be a great worker in the church here.
My father's funeral will take place on the 8th of October here in Wotutu. Please continue to pray for us.
Our thoughts and plans are beginning to lean towards the graduation ceremony that will mark the end of the Zeta batch and admit the new batch which will commence in January of 2023.
Thank you! Thank you very much for all of your prayers and support that have been rendered toward this work. God is watching! Please faint not, because in due season your reward will come. Please share our reports with others.
God bless you as you make a great day.
Elangwe and family.
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu