It is another wonderful opportunity we have been afforded to share with you the happenings here in Ganta Liberia. The school is making great impart in the lives of churches and the country. The school is being regarded as Sound in Doctrine and her products respected for their works out there. Thank you for all your prayers.
My visit to Fist Town, River Gee county, a very hard to reach county from Nimba county was all meant to encourage two of our past students who are there working very well in that part of the country. River Gee county is located in the south eastern part of Liberia. Bear Valley both graduates : Brother Winston Carrick and Brother Julius Nowon both came from that far side of Liberia to school with us in Ganta Nimba county. After their graduation, they both returned to Fish Town and got strictly working together on house to house evangelism and radio preaching which I paid for. They started the first and only congregation for now in Fish town through their efforts in the community and on the Radio. This is the only church in the whole of River Gee county. Julius and Winston have also established a huge agriculture farm from the agriculture knowledge gained from Bear Valley as they work to support themselves whiles they involve in preaching the gospel of our Lord.
During my stay with them, I was able to visit their agriculture farm, I went to the Radio station with them, form part of their weekend visitations and evangelism outreach etc. I was given the opportunity to teach and preached on the Lord's day. On that Sunday, the Lord added to His church, six precious souls. I was also able to meet with their parents who appreciated Bear Valley so much for the level of transformation seen in their children since their returned home from the Bible school.
Three men from the church decided to attend the school next intake. This made me so very happy because for a whole county to just have one church with a huge population in such county, is worrisome. But thank for the two young brother (preachers) who took the lead and for all they are doing in that part of Liberia. It is difficult for them financially, but they are very determined to preach the gospel of Christ no matter what. It was very challenging to get there to them and back but I thank God I made it to them safely and the church was so happy that we can come to them and encourage them. Thanks so much for all your prayers.
Brother Lenin Cooper has accepted our invitations three time to offer his services to the school. Lenin has been one of our short course teacher for three times now since this ongoing badge on students.
Lenin currently lived with His wife and son in Monrovia and teaches at the Liberia Bible College. He is a 2015 graduate from the School of Biblical Studies located in Jos, Nigeria. He holds a BA Degree in Biblical Studies. He also hold a Diploma in Advance English from the Sunset International Bible Institute accredited by the state of Texas, USA
Lenin was born on August 9, 1989. He is currently the assistant preacher for the Church of Christ that meet at Tower Hill, RIA high way. He said His passage is to bring many people to Christ.
In my opinion, he is a good teacher and someone willing to work for God. He has gone with us twice to our campaign and county lectureship and has come to Ganta on invitation to preach and teach.
We are grateful to all of you for your prayers and support toward this extension program in Liberia. You are highly appreciated for all the lives you are changing through your support. May God bless and keep you all safe.