Leadership conference in Arusha

We appreciate you reading our report. Back to the Bible, on one occasion  Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Mt. 5:16). The best I can tell, there's no limitation to this. In other words, shining forth a good example is not restricted to the church building, Sunday service, or when just around church members. Truth be told, where it's most important to let our lights shine is at home, on the job, at school, and even on social media sites. True Christianity radiates from within and is on display everywhere and all the time. I have mentioned all of these because most of the time, I do feel more comfortable after encouraging others.

On the other hand, on September 19 – 24, the ASCOP students had reminders of the house-to-house evangelism campaign at Kwa Moromba near Arusha city. This campaign led to the establishment of a total number of 207 new Bible classes, 5 baptisms, and 2 old Bible classes resumed. This is one of the successful campaigns contacted by our students recently. Best plans are being undertaken to ensure all the classes are followed after that campaign.   Also, normal  ACSOP weekly evangelism is continuing. Let’s remember these fellows and the ACSOP in our regular prayers, for the good they are doing in the kingdom of our dear God.

More also on October 6 – 9, the ACSOP held the Tanzania Leadership Conference, having the theme “Church in Action.”    25 Tanzania congregations were represented, 2 represented Kenya, and 1 represented Uganda. A total number of 101 people excluded ACSOP staff and faculty attended.  Each and everyone who attended appreciated all the teaching and effort which made that conference happen.

So also, the regular classes’ studies are going well here at ACSOP. Since September 26, we have started our fourth quarter and last of this year and we are going to wind up on November 25, then graduation on the 26th.

I wish you a great weekend!

Losotwa Michael       

Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, TZ

Posted on October 28, 2022 .