2021 has come to an end. It has been a difficult year for everyone including BVBIZ due to the Covid pandemic. However, BVBIZ sailed through. God’s hand was upon the school and every one of you to work this work possible. We, therefore, use this report to show our appreciation to everyone who has made it possible for BVBIZ to reach this far. In this report, we summarize what transpired in the month. We shall also give summaries of what transpired in 2021 and some expectations for the coming term.
The school term ended on the 10th of December 2021. The following subjects were successfully completed; Music, Advanced Homiletics, Introduction to Computers, 1,2 &3 John, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Marriage and Family Development, Greek (on-going), Christian Spiritual Formation, Church Leadership, Church History and Research Methods. Sign Language which was scheduled for this past term has been rescheduled to next term due to the unavailability of the teacher. Great appreciation to the students, the teachers, the BVBIZ board and our various partners for the effort they put in to make the term a success. Students wrote their final examinations successfully from the 6th-10th of December.
The following subjects shall be taught next term. The term set to resume on the 7th of January 2022;
Major Prophets
Hermeneutics 2
Biblical Counselling
Church Growth
1, 2 Timothy, and Titus
Greek 1
African Traditional Religion
Sign Language
The following subjects are extras which shall proceed by way of seminars;
Strategic Management for Churches
BVBIZ succeeded in hosting a mini-youth lectureship from the 3rd-5th of December. The event was organized by BVBIZ students and 55 came. Students and teachers delivered lessons and sermons. The event was well organized and lessons were well presented. The teachers were impressed by the organizational skills of the students. The youth enjoyed the program and were spiritually uplifted. The following congregations were represented at this event; Gokwe, Nashville, Redcliff, Plasworth, Lot 64 and Kwekwe.
Besides the weekend classes (face to face learning) and online classes that the part time class undertakes, students come to Gweru for 8 days during school breaks. This time they came on the 10th-17th of December. Subjects that were being taught include Denominational Doctrines, Research Methods, Introduction to Academic Writing, Personal Work, Homiletics and Public Speaking. Some of these are ongoing. The students had an opportunity to preach, lead in songs, preside on the Lord’s Supper and chair the Plasworth service on the 12th of December 2021.
BVBIZ places great emphasis on practicum. In December alone several congregations benefited from BVBIZ students. These congregations include Plaswoth, Lot 64, Redcliff, Marenga and Acturus. There are students who went for Holiday Preaching at Acturus and Redcliff. Reports from these two centers will be made in the next reports. Students who went on break are also active in their local congregations. The Marenga congregation in Buhera hosted a Fellowship Sunday on the 5th of December and BVBIZ students were called upon two days prior to the event so as to help prepare for the day. Evangelism was done, members were visited and they helped to prepare the venue for the fellowship. Great appreciation to the Marenga congregation for taking care of the students.
The following statistics are a summary of what BVBIZ was able to do in 2021 despite the challenges caused by the Covid pandemic;
Hours out 1021
Devotions 431
Sermons preached 75
Bible Classes 61
Total Lessons taught 310
Counselling sessions 41
Prospects 510
Tracts distributed 701
WBS booklets distributed 605
Restorations 26
Baptisms 59
One of the tasks that needed to be done was to plaster the box to the teacher’s house so as to protect the structure. Students who have been exposed to some building skills are guided by their teacher, Ishmael Mutichu in plastering the section. We are grateful to this joint effort of teachers and students.
The major highlight in December in terms of our projects is the maize project. Almost two hectares were put under maize. Planting was done by students in two fields as part and parcel of their training.
It is with the most profound gratitude that God took us through the year 2021. This was possible through your prayers and partnership. We at BVBIZ wish you all a better and prosperous 2022 even as we all continue to labour for the cause of Christ. To God be the glory!