Prayers needed for Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,  

During the last month the situation involving Ukraine and the Russian Federation's aggression was often mentioned in the media. Many politicians made loud comments about unavoidability of the active stages of the military conflict. And the fact is that the Russian Federation moved many of its troops toward the borders of Ukraine creating a lot of political pressure for the government, our population and the rest of the world. However, we keep praying for peace. God is still in control, He knows the times and seasons. There is no panic in Ukraine. Unfortunately, we have been used to living next to the military activities since 2014. For this reason, we plead you to join us in prayers and keep trusting the Lord. 

The classes of the Bible Institute follow the usual schedule, thank God.  The whole school semester we had classes offline. All Instructors found strength and resources to make the trip to Bela Tserkva and teach in the classrooms, right in front of their students. In November and the beginning of December the first year students had the Book of Genesis (Instructor Viktor Semikoz), Exodus-Deuteronomy (Dmitro Galiuk) and Godhead, Satan and Angels (Dennis Sopelnik). On Wednesdays we continue to have studies with Terry Harmon. This is an extra curriculum activity where students can raise questions for discussion and study subjects that are important to the church's growth.  

In January one more student wants to join the program. We pray for her being able to join us in 2022. We are currently looking for funds for a rental and stipend for her. If you have any helpful contacts or some information that can be useful please share it with our program's coordinator Terry Harmon.  

The church keeps doing well. We had some differences in opinions on the "Covid situation". As usual there people for and people against masks, vaccinations, etc. However, thankfully after many prayers and open dialogues we were able to resolve the tension. Those who love God will always find a way to come to an agreement.  The services are conducted offline and in spite of lots of limitations many Christians didn't miss the opportunities of fellowship.  

We are very thankful for your prayers and financial support of our ministry. Our graduates and preachers send their greetings. Life goes on. We still have a lot of plans we are aspiring to accomplish.  

In Christian love, Your brother Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on January 17, 2022 .