Oct, Nov., Dec. 2021
This is to report on the various activities that were carried out and completed in the fourth quarter – October to December respectively.
Class Activities
As we normally do in our classes, instructors taught as they were assigned. In September, George Osafo taught Research and Writing in the MLA format. Currently, the students are progressively writing the research assignment as he guides them through. In November, Sammy taught the students Elementary Greek. In the outcome, the students were able to recite and write the Greek alphabet. Able to identify the Greek letters and pronounce them with the right sounds in formation or words, two, three, etc. lettered words. They have ideas about vowels, diphthong, accent, syllabification, and the like.
Not all the students were successful in the Greek; however, they have been reassigned for the new class next year.
Campaign & Other Activities
We had our campaign successfully. The campaign was organized in three communities: Mame Dede Junction, Trebo, and Botokora. These were some of the villages surrounding the school at the new site. The campaign was about sharing tracts, introducing the Lord’s church, and directing the attention of the people to the establishment of the school at the new site.
Observation on the Campaign
During the campaign activities, we found out that the people were happy for such an institution that is about to be established and the church in the vicinity.
Next Academic Activities
The school is beginning the new courses in the next year 2022. There would be a split into the first year and second year. The first-year students are beginning the courses whereas the second year continues from where they have gotten to.
Baptisms Recorded
We were grateful to the Lord that the youth are given themselves to the Lord. We had two prospects that have been baptized into Christ.
New Structure for Practical
We thank God that the Adoagyiri Church, where the school is residing, has built an information center where our students will have the opportunity to preach. However, as part of the students preaching practices, they have been assigned for dawn preaching every Saturday at the center which begins next year, 2022.
We thank the Lord for His marvelous care for the whole year. We also received all support in cash, or items needed for the school.