Dear Fellow Workers In Christ
We bring you greetings from Liberia Bear Valley Bible Institute, West Africa. We want to take this time first and full most to extend our many tanks and appreciation for all yours prayers and supplications that is keeping us here going safe and protected through the COVID-19 that killing many of our countrymen and women, even Christians. Many thanks also to all of our instructional staffs who continued to come even during these very hard days in our country to impart knowledge to the students. We also appreciate God for your partnership with us in this work of our Lord directly or indirectly in Liberia.
We were so blessed to have brother Keith Kasarjian visiting the school in Liberia after about five years since its establishment. Brother Keith and Brother Steven Ashcraft came to Liberia in 2016 to see if there was a possibility of starting a preaching school in Liberia and that visit resulted in the school we have in Liberia now. And ever since after their visit about five years ago, thirty two (32) preachers have been trained and graduated from the Bear Valley bible Institute Liberia with over a thousand (1000) won over to Christ through the evangelistic efforts of both the students and instructors of the school.
His visit in July was an encouragement to our new batch of students who have heard of him but haven seen him in person. He spoke to the students and encouraged them to remain disciplined and focus on their studies. He also gave some books as gifts for the school.
During the visit of Brother Greg Grounds in Liberia, we had a month evangelism and the efforts resulted in the establishment of eight (8) new congregations in eight different town away from Ganta. The establishments of these new congregations have brought great opportunities to our students practical work. On a weekly basis, our students are sent to these new congregations a day or two before the Lord's to carried our house to house evangelism, encouraging members to be prepared for worship to on the Lord's day. In the month of June, we recorded 13 new baptism done by the students from these eight (8) new churches planted. Brother Greg Grounds helps with the transportation of the students to these locations weekly.
We were privilege to have Brother Calvin Jusu Johnson come to teach our first short course in Research Writing. Calvin was born May 26, 1989 in Flehla, Bong County, Liberia. Like Timothy was, He was brought up by his grand mother who was the only Christian in my family. Fortunately for him, he was converted to the Lord's Church through her in 2006 upon graduating from secondary school. Due to his zealousness as a young Christian and a desire to share God's word to the world, he abandon his pursuit of sociology degree at sophomore level at the United Methodist University, Liberia and went to Nigeria 2011 where I studied Ministry at the School of Biblical Studies, Jos and graduated with a bachelor degree in 2015. He returned the same year and started preaching at his home congregation in Flehla lower Bong county and teaching Religious Education in the Public School on a voluntary basis, at the same time taking care of his aged grandmother. Having developed the mind of teaching, he enrolled in the Kakata Rural Teacher Training Institute in 2016 and graduated with a "C" Certificate in Education 2017. He presently lecture at the Liberia Bible College and a short term lecturer at Bear Valley Bible Institute. Brother Calvin loves reading and writing. He has written two tracks tittle, Did Jesus Resurrect? The Passion of Christ; and a book: A Century With the Lord, but yet to be printed/published because of the lack of sponsorship.
We thank the almighty God through whom all blessings flow and also appreciate you all for all you are doing directly or indirectly for the Lord's work here in Liberia. May God continue to bless you.
Your Fellow Servant In Christ,
Robert Dahn