Reporting letter for the month of August-2021
Respected beloved brother Mr. Keith Kasarjian the director of international studies , brother Mr. Reynolds - the coordinator and all the prayers partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India , greetings to you in the most holy and precious name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you good health. We thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-extensions . We would like to share with you a brief report for the month of August-2021.
First Semester :- We follow the Calendar which we have submitted to BVBI, we have began the first semester in the month of July. We conducted classes for two months (July and August) . The month of September is break as per the BVBI-calendar . We have sent the students for the field work . Our students were instructed to work with allotted towns and villages at their near by local preachers . They prepare to submit their field report on daily basis when they return to the college in the month of October 1 st ,2021.
Baptism:- In the month of August we have baptized 11 souls, please pray for their spiritual growth so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.
Agriculture Vegetable Gardens:- Couple of months back we have planted Three Agricultural Vegetable gardens , this is right season in India for the new plantation. We did hard work in removing old plants and planted new seedlings. These are the locations of A.G. Gardens. The first one is located at BVBI-Tirupati, The second one is at KGBV-Girls school and the third one is located at Poolathota-Village. We have newly started one more work shop in the D.V.Sathram-Mandal , Nellore-Dt. A.P state. We are thankful to Mr.Carl Burkybile who is the agricultural director of Healing Hands International. We sincerely thankful to him for his guidance and encouragement to establish these AG gardens with innovative methods . The raised bedding and dip irrigation systems are much helpful to earn fresh and healthy vegetables . We are grateful to HHI for their valuable funding for the establishment of these AG-Gardens in India.
Talking Bibles for the Visually challenged people:- There are several visually challenged people living our city, they are interested to hear the word of God. In the month of July we have distributed 20 talking bibles and in the month of August we have distributed 13 audio bibles to the visually challenged people. We are thankful to Mr.Glynn Longston, “ Insight International Braille Out reach worldwide” who supplies these talking bibles .
Covid-19 Threat:- It is so sad to mention that one of our teaching faculty member Mr. K. Kalvarinath was affected by corona virus and died on August 28th Saturday evening. He was dedicated and highly educated person and humble servant of God. He is a full time Bible instructor and also he helped several months to preach at our local churches ( Tirupati and Vidyanagar). He was able to attend for the personal interview when our Mr. Keith Kasarjian -director of international studies has conducted for the recruitment of teaching faculty for the BVBI-extension centre –Tirupati-India. Our teaching staff, non teaching staff and all the students felt so sad and missed him lot . Please pray for his family members. We hope that we will meet him on the day of Jesus Christ. We thank God for his living hope that was promised by Jesus Christ(John 14:1-3, 1 Thess 4:13-18).
Prayer Request:- Lord willing we plan to organize two days Christian Growth Bible Seminar for the Women in the month of October 15th and 16 (Friday and Saturday). We expect 150 sisters for the seminar, the theme for the seminar would be “Fruit of the spirit’ (Gal 5:22). We are thankful to Brother Damon Vincent for the website that he developed (https://christian-growth.com/literature/christian-growth-seminars/fruit-of-the-spirit-maturing-in-christ/ ) to receive wonderful study material on this subject. We humbly request your prayers for the success of the meeting.
We are thankful to our international director and our coordinator for all their efforts for the establishment of extension of BVBI in our city which we treat as a good platform for training young people for the dyeing souls in our nation. We request your prayers for the first batch students who are already in the field . We are need of your prayers for this second batch of dedicated students.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.
Vijay&Swarupa, from Church of Christ and BVBI-India