Sowing and reaping in Cameroon

Dear Brethren,

I bring greetings to you from Cameroon and from Mbanga in particular. Our new students are gradually getting used to the BVBIC-Mbanga system. They are adapting themselves to the book-work and also to the 5 AM devotional with the local open-air radio program. 

The month of July came with its challenges and also with its own good tidings such as the harvesting of our corn and melon farms. Our students are learning a lot in the classroom and are working hard on the small farm.

It's time to harvest! As the bible says, there is time for everything under the sun. There is a time to sow and a time to harvest. We praise God almighty, as we are an example of this hard work. This is part of our vocational training which we plan to activate very seriously next quarter. Brother Kunda Julius from Wotutu, who is a brother in Christ, is a specialist in agriculture who is working with the students of BVBIC-Wotutu and Mbanga to help them learn to provide for themselves and others now and when they graduate and become ministers in the field. We also invite other professionals in this and other fields of interest at times to come and train our students in their vocation as a short course study. This is a part of our “tent making” training as they like Paul will have to labor with their own hands to help support themselves during their ministry. 

Brother Foka, another brother in Christ who is an animal scientist, has already been working with the students in both schools on animal farming. He is doing very well and all of the students appreciate the school leadership at home and abroad for seeing that this powerful initiative is put into place. Again, we have not been opportune to do as much of these practicals in the past as we are now. The instructor deemed it necessary that we build a poultry fence for a start and raise a few birds. This will help the students to gain a proper understanding of the poultry business. May God bless you for helping to put this together to help perpetually assist those who are working in the vineyard of God by giving them the skills to do their own “tent making on the side. 

As we move toward the end of our second semester, our students are now showing some level of improvement in their studies, and weekend evangelism. Our pulpit is now being used by the students and we are witnessing great improvement. The door-to- door evangelism is gaining more ground and the outcomes are growing.

We are handing over bibles to prospects, and to some assemblies both in the English and French as we cover English, French, and Bilingual villages. Thanks to the donors. 

This was Brother Voksia’s his first time to ever take on a pulpit. He is the son of a preacher in the north of Cameroon. Today he is preparing himself to become a preacher of the gospel like his father. He is also a trained nurse and so he has the ambition to think of the souls and bodies of those who are sick spiritually, physically, or both.

Our greatest challenge right now is health challenges. We purchased many medications in the month of July for our students and some members of the church who benefit also. When kids are sick during worship or internally displaced persons are sick, it helps a lot to have the aid of our school nurse. He does not sleep at night but takes his time to check on the sick ones even back at their homes such as students who are living off campus with their families. 

Our congregation is really growing in number. We are experiencing a shortage of space almost on a weekly basis. We go out for weekend evangelism, and we invite prospects every day. Some will show up and others will not. With these efforts along- side the morning radio program, there is a continual flow of new persons visiting with us on a weekly basis.


The students shall be traveling for their first time to take part in the summer youth retreat in Buea next week. We shall not be there for one full week like others due to our classes but we can be there by the grace of God during the weekend or maybe even after our classes on Thursday.

Our second quarter exams are coming up by the end of this month followed by the short course and an intensive two weeks on internship. The family will then take a rest for one week before the next quarter begins. We are improving every day. 

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is Evangelism.

Remain faithful my dearly beloved in Christ.

From the servant of God in Mbanga. 


Posted on August 23, 2021 .