Bear Valley Bible Institute
Ekwendeni, Malawi
Holiday ended! We are glad to announce that the holiday has ended and we will be in class next week! We are thankful to God that our holiday was fruitful. Instead of resting, the students and teachers have been busy preaching and conducting lectureships and preaching campaigns in small groups as the guided by the Covid rules! Teachers travelled to Mkhota area near Mchinji District bordering Zambia. While in Mkhota we were chanced to meet some of our former students. We were happy to hear good reports about them and their work in the Lord. This is always encouraging to hear the students doing the work they have been trained and called for. During the holiday we also had reports from some of our students about the work they have been doing which will be recorded in our next report. However! in this report we have have some baptism news from some of our students . God is saving His people no matter the Covid threats! We have 14 souls reported saved, in this Month of July so far!
Preaching and Teaching
Recently we the teachers travelled to Mkhota and were able to teach the following lessons; "Why are there so many churches"; "Biblical Repentance" and also about "Heaven our Spiritual home". The attendance was excellent. We also managed to us the Projector and the lessons from the hard drives from WVBS.
We received good news for the souls saved in 4 areas. Brother Isaac one of our student from Nkhataby reported 2 Baptisms, Brother Mateyo ching'oma another student from Santhe Kasungu reported 6 baptisms (he and other 2 men organized a 2 days campaign); Brother Saliwa our former student reported 4 baptisms and also Brother Kennedy reported 2 baptisms. Which means we have about 14 baptisms recorded in the month of July, but we expect this number to rise in then next report since we have not heard from all the students. We thank God for using our students as His vessels to bring souls to Christ and His church. Praise God!
Thanks be to God who Has helped us reach this far. We are also grateful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for the support and many prayers for this work. We are also thankful to many people individually who always remember this work in their prayers. God bless all of you and your families!
Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!
Ephron and Clergynton