June 2021 Report
We send greetings to you brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work in his kingdom.
We resumed classes in the month of June and the second week the students were privileged to study the book of Galatians with Donnie Estep and all of them did well.
Graduation at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia
2020 class graduates
It was a very joyous moment to see the 2020 class students graduate. We were very grateful to see representatives from around the Copper Belt Province and beyond come and witnessed the honoring of our graduates. When Brother Donnie Estep finished teaching the short course he then graced the graduation ceremony on Friday the 11th of June 2021. It has not been easy due to the pandemic but we are grateful that Donnie came our way!
To mention but just a few of our graduates:
Austin Musonda came to us from Chibwe Church of Christ. He was very studious and he did his work here at Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia with excellence. He was one of the honor students. He is currently studying at Mwekera Forestry College. He has been very influential in the new congregation that has started at the College campus. While at home in Chibwe, he conducts Bible studies and he preaches regularly. On the 13th June Austin preached at his home congregation and had a good number of responses, four souls were added to the church through Baptism and eleven (11) souls were restored
Sthembiso Magawa is currently studying at the University of Zambia. He is also one of our honor students. We are humbled to see how Sthembiso has grown both physically and spiritually. He is very committed to the service of God. He reports that he has started an online Bible study with other students at the University of Zambia. He also mentioned that they meet virtually every Friday for Bible studies. He has revived six (6) members at the University and also meets with Mutendere Church of Christ near the campus
Vincent Simwanza was born and raised in Ndola. After completing his secondary school, he went to Mufulira a mining town of the Copper belt to work with his sister. He is also one of our honor students who graduated with a distinction. He is currently working with a communication company here in Luanshya and he is a regular preacher at Luanshya Central church of Christ. He also conducts all Sunday church Bible studies. We are so happy and glad to see Vincent become such a preacher! Just after graduation the following morning, Saturday the 12th June, our program went well in which we had invited all the women in the Churches of Christ on the Copperbelt at BVBI-ZAMBIA campus. They were seventy eight (78) in total and they represented 17 congregations of the Copperbelt Province. Vincent preached during this meeting and we had eight (8) restorations. The program is meant to strengthen the working relationship of women in the Church.
Hornbye Mupengu was chosen during the graduation ceremony to deliver closing and farewell statement on behalf of his fellow students. He was the representative of class 2020. He was a very hard working student and he represented his fellow students very well. It was befitting for him to be a valedictorian during the graduation ceremony. Hornbye is congregating with Chifubu Church of Christ is Ndola and two (2) souls have been added to the Church in the month of June.
Nelson Sikazindu came to us from Chibwe Church of Christ in Baluba Luanshya district of the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. He followed his elder brother in Mpongwe district where he is helping with the farm work. Nelson and his brother are very evangelistic and they have since started a new congregation in their area. We visited and evangelized that area and it was very encouraging to the family there. Nelson needs our encouragement as he preaches in this rural area. We can see that the field is ready and the harvesters are still few.
We really honored these men for the sincerity and commitment they pledged at the beginning of their training. They have proved to be so and we continue praying that the Lord will help them to remain so.
Health situation in the country
Zambia is currently experiencing a third wave of Covid 19. We have witnessed transmissions taking place at household, community and institutional levels countrywide. Today we see our mortuaries struggling with space due to the increase in the number of deaths. Zambia health authority has expressed concern over the rising corona related deaths as the country continues to battle a third wave of infections. Today our test positivity shows a range of 10% to 37% across the Provinces an indication that we continue to have worrying rates of community transmission. As a result, all government learning institutions have been put on hold for twenty one days.
During this partial arrangement all our students are still here on campus. We have not sent them back to their respective home because two of our students tested positive of Covid 19. Please continue praying for one of our student Mike Kanyangala the percentage of blood in his urine is too high and he has been on medication for too long now.
We are grateful to all our partners in this Ministry of Training these men who continue to come forward to offer solidarity and technical support. We are truly grateful to Woodland Oaks Church of Chris for their commitment in supporting this work.
Cephas and Fred