Dear Brethren in Christ,
I bring greetings from Vishakha Valley Bible College, India. First of all, i thank you all for your kind prayers which is keeping us safe and protected from Covid-19. Even though there were several people that were dead, including several preachers, we are thankful to God for keeping us protected to carry out His mission of spreading the Word and Training Men.
We thank the brethren at Lake Houston & Strickland for helping us to held the graduates and other preachers who are in desperate financial struggle due to the corona Pandemic. From last two months congregational worship has been banned so as public or group meetings, it has affected the financial situation of our preachers. Few congregations has come forward toto help, we have helped over 100 preachers in this area, below picture showing the wife of Brother Appa Rao who was killed by Covid-19, so we helped this widow by sending Rice and essential goods. Our prayers of thanksgiving to our God for your love.
We are thankful to God for making us able to resume the classes at Vishakha Valley Bible College, we shall have all the students by next week, some have not been able to come due to transportation and local Corona restrictions. However, we have begun the classes and trying to keep everything straight since we lost lot of time due to corona since spring 2020.
Well, I will remain for now, thanking God for His mercy and thanking you all for your prayers of encouragement. Please continue your prayers as Corona third wave is what’s been discussed here so much, we are very much intimidated by the stories we hear in the News channels, our government is not able to keep the country vaccinated, it is very true that 1 billion people is what keeping us behind, since its a huge number providing vaccination to all is just a impossible task, however we need your prayers so that God would continue protecting our nation, thank you.
We love you brethren,
In Christ,
John Dean M
Vishakha Valley Bible College