Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I'd like to share with you the latest news from Ukraine. First of all, I'm very thankful to God for His mercy to us. Finally, the strictest quarantine measures were lifted from our region and we were declared "the yellow zone". It means that the public transportation is working again, the stores can reopen with some caution and masks requirements. On Monday we will resume the classes in the Institute building. Before that for almost a month we only had online studies. It's a good way to learn but our students and Instructors missed personal interactions.
Last month our students had Epistle to Galatians (Instructor Dmitry Galiuk) and the Book of Revelation (Andrew Zhuravlev).
This year we will graduate three students - Iliya Zhuravlev, Nazar Semikoz and Bogdan Antipenko. One more student who was in the class, Marianna Medved, is behind academically and mostly likely will have to graduate next year.
In the beginning of May my family and some of our students were able to attend a Christian Seminar in the Carpathian Mountains alongside many representatives of the Church of Christ congregations. The host was Dmitry Galiuk, the Minister of the Church of Christ in Chernivtsy and our active Instructor. I was given an opportunity to be one of the speakers and present the ministry of our Bible Institute. It was a good time, considering the long quarantine restrictions in our country.
We are getting ready to publish next book - the Commentary on 1 and 2 Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. The book printing is supported by Jim Mettenbrink. We are very grateful for his partnership. During a few recent years we were able to print and send copies of these books to every local congregation.
We are very appreciative of your prayers for us. And we request prayers for the next school year recruitment, as well as the Church growth in Ukraine and worldwide.
Our students and Instructors send their greetings and thanks for the financial aid and spiritual support. Your brother, Dennis Sopelnik