Exams in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings in the Name that is above all names. I hope you are doing well in the midst of all of the difficulties from, and doubts about what is happening in the world because of the present of COVID. We are still praying for the world and we know God is watching and will help the situation.

We are busy doing what we were called to do for the Lord and His church here in Cameroon, which includes the training of men to preach, the nurturing of saints, helping the needy, preaching to the lost, feeding orphans under our care, and much more.

Last week went on well in our area. In BVBIC-Wotutu, the new students have started writing exams to end the quarter. Keep them in your prayers. Thanks for your prayers for me during the whole number of days that I was in Tchad for mission work seeing and helping the church there.

Students of the Zeta class were busy this week taking their exams. This was their first exams, given after assignments, to evaluate them and see their growth in the Bible Institute after two months of intensive studies. Keep your prayers going up to God on their behalf.


We are planning to be in a village for mass evangelism with the students this weekend. Please keep that campaign in your prayers. Next week will be the first short courses and the first wife’s class for this new batch of student’s wives. Keep their travels and studies in your prayers.


Thank you very much for all your prayers and support that are helping to keep this work going. God bless you all. Please share our report with others.

 Elangwe and family

 By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on March 2, 2021 .