Tremendous progress in Togo

I give thanks to God for his blessings. We have finally arrived at the end of December which is at the same time the end of the school programs of the 2 years of training that are coming to an end. All help for the good of all those who love God. There are 6 promotions that have passed through our Institute and today there are many evangelists throughout Togo and the world who preach the gospel of Christ for the salvation of souls. More than 22 churches of Christ in the Kpalime Plateau region thanks to the Bear Valley Institute, with more than 990 members. All this is thanks to the support of Gabriel Oaks Church of Christ and with the help of Steven our coordinator.

We lost one student in the two years; others were disciplined because of their infidelity to the word of God. One student suffered heartbreak during the last year, and finally, 12 students completed the Institute's program.


Courses are completed. The students have done homework and exams of everything they have learned over the two years. Now they are seasoned to go into the harvest the world with the gospel of Christ. We have just done two evangelistic campaigns in November and December which is not enough, but they have had enough experience with the local churches when the pandemic had slowed down the classes. They have each of the twelve students go once on the radio to preach, distribute the correspondence courses and Bible treatises to the college students in different localities and in the offices, the markets also in the streets. We often come back to the methods of teaching and evangelism because the preacher's work is more based on both methods.

We are going to put a lot of emphasis on practical activity so that our students will be familiarized with the best way to get in touch with people. As we move forward, the number of churches will increase and the membership will grow from day-to-day. Two new churches are being planted (Wokpahoue and Amoussoukope) due to lack of time because of COVID-19. An assembly in the village of Yokélé was restored thanks to the efforts of the students, especially the student OGONIDO, who continues to serve there. Fourteen members who had deserted the assembly went back to church. 


Finally will be our last annual evangelistic campaign with the students in this month of December 2020. Everything started well but weakened by covid19. The same strategies were also used at Amoussoukope:

1. Every morning from 5:00 am to 6:00 am two groups go to different places to preach by megaphone.

2. When it is daylight from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: door-to-door evangelization (from heart to heart).

3. Group study from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.: students divide into small groups to do the study for couples in their homes (daddy, mommy, and children).

4. In the public place: only in this place the local authorities did not allow the projection of film to prevent the mass gathering at de covid19.

So we chose motorcycles and loudspeakers to evangelize the village and in remote areas. We visited more villages and we brought the gospel to them using the motorcycles with the loudspeakers attached with a 12 volt battery.


Two villages in the locality invite us to come and plant the church of Christ. So, we already have two places in the program of planting new congregations of Christ this year. As it is an area without electricity that abounds in a large population that practices agriculture.


There are 3 baptized during the evangelistic campaign. The evangelist ASSOGBAVI GABRIEL leads this new assembly implanted in December 2020. Water is scarce in the area. It was necessary to transport the candidates to the baptisms on more than 14 km to make the baptism in a dam created by a gentleman who raises oxen. It is not easy from November to April to find a water point that can serve as a baptismal site. The villagers use their bicycles and motorcycles to go very far in search of water.

Saturday courses:

New students for the second promotion 2021 to 2023 are recruited in Lomé (10), Kpalime (10), and Temedja (10). We have expanded the program of Saturday courses on Blita and Tsevié which will start very soon and we will let you know what is being done there.

May the peace and grace of our Jesus Christ fill all his blessings for the support you bring to the Institute.


Your brother


Posted on March 15, 2021 .