Prayers for Peru

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Greetings in Christ our Lord to you my dear brothers from your fellow brothers from Lima, Perú.  

The situation in Lima is difficult due to the virus, many brothers and sisters in Christ have passed away, some others got the virus but they recovered as it is the case with one of our students and some others got the virus recently as it is the case of one of our instructors. On December 2020, churches were allowed gather together but this last week our president announced another quarantine due to the increase in coronavirus cases. Quarantine started on January 31 till February 14 but we still have a state of emergency the whole month of February.  

Although this situation has restricted many activities we are continuing with our virtual mode of instruction. We are having webinars every month in order to get the interest of possible prospects to study at the school.  

We ask your prayers for our students and instructors for the brothers and sisters in Peru now that we are facing another quarantine. We are praying for you all as well.  

I adjust a picture of me teaching “Life of Christ III” and I can say that one of the good things about teaching is receiving words of gratitude from the students for sharing these classes.  

Posted on February 9, 2021 .