October Report - 2021
Hello everyone! It is always a joy for the students when we come to the closing date, especially in the month of October as everyone is looking forward to farming before reopening of the school in February. October has been a month full of good news to tell. God is blessing us daily, we praise His Holy name. In this month of October, we have had a visiting teacher – Donnie Estep, our coordinator. Brother Clergynton, one of the BV Ekwendeni teachers went to Lilongwe and Blantyre to conduct the interviews for the next intake, all went on well. We also had a preaching campaign whereby more souls obeyed the gospel.
Preaching and Teaching
We are very thankful to BV international that they always consider sending us short course teachers, and we were happy to have Brother Donnie who taught the course of “Hermeneutics”. The same dates Donnie arrived were our same dates for the interviews for the next intake. Therefore, instead of all the teachers going for the interviews program, the work was divided so that Ephron the local Director stayed to take care of Donnie while Clergynton and another teacher went to conduct the interviews in the central and southern region of Malawi respectively. As indicated in the introduction of this report, this month of October has been of good news as far as the winning of souls to Christ is concerned – two more congregations established.
Brother Navie, one of the teachers who helps us in short courses, is always happy to manage the evangelism part of the school work. After teaching the short course he went to a place called Manthepa where he was involved in the preaching campaign, 1 soul was baptized and many others restored. This congregation has started with about 30 members plus. After Manthepa, he went to restore the Mtende congregation where 20 members are now meeting as the church. Then last week went to Hola where he was involved again in establishing the new congregation, 3 souls baptized and 12 more restored – the church has started with 15 members there. God is good.
Saliwa Nkosi
Saliwa is one of our former students who is very active and always shares with us what he is doing. This month of October, he has helped 8 souls come to Christ through baptism. We are always appreciating him for the good work he is doing. This work has a greater reward hereafter! We pray that God will continue blessing his family.
School Van and school construction work
We are thrilled with great joy as we now have hope for the school future in Malawi. For a long time we have been hiring cars to take us to preaching campaigns, funerals and lectureships; but now we say PRAISE GOD, for the problem is solved as we have our own school van now. We are also happy that the construction work is in progress, everything is moving in the favor of God at the moment. We are thankful to bother Wongani Gondwe, our former student who is also our current contractor. Wongani is well experienced in building work and he is really doing a good job on our Hostel construction. So far the hostels are in roofing level and once the funds are available, we are roofing it hopefully before the rains
We, therefore would like to appreciate the Bear valley bible institute international for their monthly support towards this work here in Malawi. We understand the big task you have in looking after about 47 schools in the world. Ekwendeni being one of the beneficiaries, we want to really appreciate this from the deep of our hearts. We also want to take this advantage to thank brothers Tim and John for their love and concern with the Malawi BV school, renting is very expensive and now it has been increased in price due to everything going up in price, but with the construction of the hostels, it will help us move to our own place by September next year. We pray daily that God bless your families as you think about the BV school in Malawi. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!
Yours in Christ,
Clergynton and Ephron