Reporting Letter for the month of September-2021
Respected International Director of Bible Studies Mr. Keith Kasarjian and our Coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners we extend our greetings to you in the most holy and precious name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you good health.
Students Field work:- In the month of September our students were in the field for the practical work learning. India church leaders just admire the BVBI system in sending the students from the class room learning into the filed work learning for every two months (each semester). For the sake of field work we have connected the students with different local preachers in different places for their out door field work , we instructed the students to submit their filed reports when they come back to the college.
New Souls:- We are happy to report you that from January to September 38 souls were baptized, in the month of September 9 souls were baptized . The old student Mr. Ramanapadal has reported that he has baptized one soul , he lives in hills side and working among the tribal people, the other student Mr.Kranthikumar has converted two souls. we request you to pray for the new souls that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ
Bible Camp for the Blind People:- In the month of September 18th we have conducted a special camp for the visually challenged people. By the grace of God we have provided 50 audio bible to 50 visually challenged people. Two blind people were baptized and added to the body of Christ.
Teachers day:- We are happy to report you that KGBV Girls school has invited us for the teachers day on September 5th . We have encouraged them to train up the children and cultivate school children with quality of character . We have distributed small gifts to the school staff and encouraged them.
Preachers meetings:- In the Month of September 25th we have conducted local preachers leadership class. We encouraged them to reach unreached souls and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Vidyanagar Church has provided afternoon lunch to all the preachers.
Visiting Prakasam District:- We have travelled about 900 K.M and visited other district on September 13th, one of the local preacher has invited for his son’s marriage. I was given opportunity to lead the wedding event, our students could able to lead few songs, on the way we have visited Kavali and preached in their thanks giving meeting.
Newly planted local church :- we have conducted five days back to the bible classes in the village called Poolathotamitta, this is the native place of my wife Swarupa. In this village we have planted local church, each Sunday 30 to 35 people are gathering for the worship service.
Women Bible Seminar:- We are praying and planning for organizing Christian Growth Bible Seminar for Women on 15th and 16th of this month . We have invited 12 sisters who are preachers wives for this seminar to preach the word of God. We have selected The Theme from Galatians 5:22 “Fruit of the Spirit”. We are thankful to Dr. Damon Vincent for his encouragement and generosity to provide the material freely. We expect 150 ladies for this two days Bible Seminar. We request you to pray for the seminar.
Second semester for the second Batch students:- We have began our second semester for this second batch students. We have prepared every things for the smooth and success of the their class room work.
A.G.Gardens:- We have established Agricultural Gardens at BVBI, Poolathota-Village, KGBV-School. One more will be under construction at D.V.Sathram.
Covid-19 situation :- The Covid-19 problem is still hunting the Indian people, there are few children in the KGBV-school have been infected , many more people have been infected in our city. We request you to pray for our students, teaching faculty, non-teaching faculty and members of our local church.
We are thankful to our International director and coordinator for their dedication for the establishment of BVBI-extension centre in India. We praise God for the great opportunity given to us to serve for the cultivation of young people India for purpose of great commission of Jesus Christ. We express our gratitude and sincerely thankful for all their efforts and encouragement.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.
Vijay&Swarupa, Behalf of BVB-extension Centre , Tirupati-India