Doing good in Accra





Praise be to the Lord for the end of the 4th quarter of October to December and the end of the year 2020. We are much grateful to the Lord and we appreciate the effort, prayer, and support of the brethren for the progress of the Nsawam School. May the Lord restore in abundance all that you have spent on the school.

Class Activities

Class activities are always in progress during the weekends until a special break. During October and November, Brother Amoo-Gyimah taught two courses (Logic and the Bible, and Christian Ethics).

Items received for Nsawam

We have received a Bruhm Dispenser and some funds for other needful items.

Campaign Activities

Just recently, the students joined in with the full-time students in the campaign at Doryumu. The campaign lasted one week where students participated in the open-air, house to house and dawn preaching in two separate towns. Two souls were baptized during the activities.

COVID-19 Related Issues

The director, instructors, and the students were grateful to the Lord that since school resumed, there has not been a report on any of the students or staff being affected by this virus. Everyone is doing well. All the safety protocols are being used accordingly. It is in our plan to fumigate the meeting place before we resume for next year 8th January 2021.

Students' Profile

I am here to present our dear brother Charles Afari who has been a student for the Nsawam School since 2018. Brother Afari is 48 years and an Accountant by profession at the Electricity Company of Ghana. He has married Christiana Osafo Debe, a Teacher. This couple has been blessed with five (5) children. Afari is the evangelist at Afuaman church of Christ 2 years now. The church population is about 50 baptized members and 40 children in numbers. Interestingly, the church is 2years now and has completed building (place of worship). Just last month November, Afari has appointed leaders (not elders) to help in the spiritual maturity upon several lectureships organized on leadership. The staff and the director of the school were greatly amazed by such endeavors. Sammy was invited to ordain the leaders and to exhort them.

Afari commented on services the school has provided for him in his missionary works. For two reasons, he stated that "the school has been very helpful in his work with the Afuaman church, the right teaching encouraged me in the mission work and the personal work materials from the literature center has been very useful in the mission work."

He has also requested the school to assist in the oncoming evangelism campaign at Afuaman. This man Afari has decided to supply electrical power to the school's plot as part of his project. He recently went to visit the place.


The above report was the activities that went on during this 4th quarter of the year, 2020.

We are so much pleased and thankful to everyone, the effort you have put into the progress of the Nsawam school: the funds, study materials, prayers, and all forms of support rendered to us.

Much appreciation goes to Steven Ashcraft, Keith Kasarjian, the Management of Bear Valley Bible Schools, the supporting churches, Kojo, Regina Sasu-Ntim (our cook), the teaching staff, and everyone who helped in this regard this year.

The grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

We are also putting much effort to maintain the school's progress and the true doctrine of Christ until He comes back.

We shall never forget to thank our Lord for you in all the good plans you have for the Lord's work. Also, pray with us all the time.


Reported by Samuel Sasu Ntim (Sammy) of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Nsawam.

Posted on January 12, 2021 .