Graduation in Ukraine!

Dear brethren,

This time I have only good news in my report and I hope you will be glad to hear them.

In June we graduated 7 students. It so happened that the government eased our burdens and allowed religious organization to congregate in small numbers. We seized the opportunity and had a traditional graduation ceremony for our students. They came to Bela Tserkva on time, some used the trains while the others took advantage of automotive services giving rides to random passengers. All of them arrived here successfully. Some of them also needed to get their belongings and say their goodbyes.

I'm sure it wouldn't happen if some of you were less devoted. During the last two years many American Christians and families were very sacrificial to achieve the goal of training workers for Ukrainian churches. Thus, this year 4 men and 3 ladies got their Diplomas. I'd like to introduce you to these people who diligently studied and kept the desire to serve in the Lord's Kingdom.

Taras Danilenko is a very active Christian. He keeps ministering in Skvira Church of Christ and leads the youth group classes. Recently he developed some health problems and the doctors are still to determine the diagnosis.

Vitaliy Melchin is from the city of Dnipro. He is a young Christian with a lot of potential. Currently he is helping the home congregation in Dnipro but he desires to be a full time Minister in the future.

Eldjun Aliev is already ministering in the church in Kamenskoe. He is currently looking for financial support but if he can't get enough finds he is open for an option of getting a job as well. Most people in this congregation are very young and they can't afford to hire him. He is a very diligent and faithful Christian. He plays basketball professionally for a local team.

Ruslan Gaevsky is a very good man. He has a lot of talents, and he is very good working with his hands. Most of the maintenance and renovation jobs in the church building were completed by his efforts. Currently he is employed as a construction worker and a contractor. He wants to remain in Bela Tserkva and help the local congregation.

Masha Rodicheva is a daughter of our Instructor and preacher from Kramatorsk. She is a talented teacher of Sunday school. Kids adore her.

Rosa Valkova is a very smart student. Her grades were always great. She is currently looking for a job and helping this congregation with ladies and children classes.

Olena Stupa was also a diligent student. She is shy but very helpful. She will be looking for an employment while teaching Sunday school classes for the children.

This was just a brief information about our graduates. They are young and talented and we ask for your prayers about their future.

We are very grateful to everyone who took part in training these future servants of the Kingdom. I have faith that God will use these people for the completion of His will. Together we are shaping the future of the Church of Christ in Ukraine.

We love you and send our greetings.

Your brother and coworker,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on July 6, 2020 .