Graduation upcoming in Wotutu

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Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We are alive. Some are strong and some are not, but in any situation, we give glory to God. We are thanking God for all He has been able to do for us and keeping us through the year 2020. We are very grateful for all your prayers and support that help to keep the work going.

Last week in Bear Valley Wotutu, Cameroon, things went on well. We are done with short courses and are now we are moving towards graduation. That is why this report is dedicated for graduation information. All 17 students who will be graduating are prepared except for brother Atem Prisco who is having severe problems with his kidney. He is on dialysis now. That is why all this while he has been in the hospital in Buea. Please keep him in your prayers.

Graduation comes up this Thursday. Valedictory night is on Wednesday. We will inform you as to what happened on graduation day as we report next Sunday. Keep us in your prayers and keep praying for these men and their families as they go into the wilderness.


Our hearts are filled with happiness for all that you are doing for us and the work. We have successfully trained 97 graduates as of now. We shall give details of our work. After 10 years of training men and their families to preach the saving message, we are very grateful and we pray God bless you and open doors for you as we start with the Zeta batch come January 2021.Thanks for all. We were blessed in every step we made while walking with Christ and walking with you. All the glory goes to Him.

Elangwe and family

By His grace Director of BVBIC-Wotutu.


Posted on December 21, 2020 .