Making progress in Ukraine

Dear brethren, congregations and families,

The Bible Institute has a fall break currently. And we will resume the classes on the 9th of November.

This time we were actually able to run a few evangelizing events, and some students were quite encouraged by them. We had planned some street evangelism and made it happen. From the very start it was obvious that it would be extremely difficult to contact people. Many just hurried up when outside and didn't intend to stop and visit, and others, willing to have a conversation, had experienced discomfort visiting with the masks on.

In addition to this effort our student Marianna was very active in a congregation in Kiyv where they were planning on hosting a few young group meetings untied by certain topics.

And one more exciting event took place as well. Our graduate Alexander Rodichev hosted a wonderful youth conference. These kind of happenings are extremely rare this year while the young people need them so badly.

As for our home congregation, we have some good news. A young couple Alexey and Alesya were baptized for the remission of their sins. They have 2 children and one more is on the way. Their way to church is a very interesting story. As a child Alesya was brought up in a boarding school for children from dysfunctional families. Our sister in Christ Tamara would visit her as a teenager and tell her about God. Later on they lost the connection and wouldn't see each other for quite some time. And just recently they reunited again. Alesya and her husband started coming to church. The good news touched their hearts and they decided to make a covenant with the Lord. Just as that, we never know when the seed we are currently planting will come up and bring good fruit. We hope this story will be an encouragement to some evangelists who don't see immediate results of their preaching.

In October our students had Christian Ethics (Instructor Viktor Semikoz) and Intertestament Period (Dennis Sopelnik). In November and December, we are engaging Ukrainian Instructors again but in 2021 some American instructors have plans of joining our program.

We are very appreciative of your care and support. May God keep all of us safe!

Our students and teachers send their greetings and their love.

Your brother and co-worker, Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on November 23, 2020 .