Agriculture education in Liberia

Greetings Brethren,

It has been a great privileged and blessings to be part of God workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom here in this part of the world. We are so very grateful for this opportunity to serve. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their willing sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom. So far, all has been moving very well since the reopening of the school after the Corona Virus Pandemic.


Our classroom activities continued smoothly through the month of September which was a very very busy month for everyone, both the instructors and the students had lots to do to cover up for the lost time created by the corona various sickness. Among what the students had to do included the following:

  1. Group works

  2. Research work

  3. Individual Assignments and presentations

  4. Daily quizzes and memory works ( Practical and theory).

    5. Cleaning the campus etc

    6. Agriculture practical

    6. Weekend visitations to congregations outside Ganta for practical teaching and preaching experiences etc


* Life of Christ – Bro. Nathan Tears

    • Advance Hermeneutics- Bro. Robert P. Dahn, Jr

    • Advance Homiletic- Bro. Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

    • The Book of James- Bro. Joel Weah

    • Church History – O.D.K. Zakamah

    • Old Testament IV (Major Prophets)-Bro. Robert P. Dahn, r.

This quarter ended successfully on the 15th of October.


On the 25th of September, our students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Liberia was taken out on a one day life changing agriculture field trip by their agriculture instructor and some of the staffs to see the farm and set up of Liberia International Christian College (LICC). When they returned, they were made to write a report individually on their field trip experiences and what they wrote melts my heart and I am so thankful for allowing them to go on that trip and to have the experiences they wrote about. At LICC agriculture department, they are seriously involved into animals husbandry and crops productions on a little larger skill.

From the reports written by our students, many of them had not seen live animals before. They were privileged to be taken around the farm by the farm manager of that college. He showed them them all the animals they have there with explanations on how to keep the animals. Our students had the opportunities to have seen animals like the monkeys, snakes, rabbits, pigs, different kind of chickens, different kind of birds, turkeys, crocodiles, different kind of goats, geese, and many more. They were also taken to seen different fish pools and had a lecture on how to create a fish pool and a pig pan. They were also taken to the crops farms and plantations to see how many different crops are planted and maintained. They also saw the Bee farm and were taken through the process of Bee keeping for the honey. Their field trip ended with a running race among them and student Winston Carrick won the race and was given a bottle full of honey. This was truly a life changing experience for our preacher students and I am so happy for them. Meanwhile, they have started practicalizing some of the things they learned from the field trip in the school.


We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the work of the Bible school here in Liberia. We are sincerely thankful for every dollar you continued to sacrifice for the sake of Christ in Ganta Liberia. Thank you very much.

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on November 23, 2020 .