Tanzania Leadership Conference

Every year, the Tanzania Leadership Conference (TLC) is hosted by the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (ACSOP) in Arusha, Tanzania. This longstanding event continues to draw faithful brethren from varying parts of east Africa. ACSOP and Bear Valley have enjoyed their partnership since 2001. In that time the school has produced many faithful and active preachers that have gone throughout east Africa.

Bear Valley was represented at this year’s conference by Keith Kasarjian and Daniel Gaines. Both spoke on the program, as well as participated on Q&A panels. Daniel serves as the Coordinator for ACSOP. The program was excellent, with good attendance and outstanding preachers, both local and international. TLC is directed by school Directors, Charles Hebert and Ahimidewe Kimaro, both of whom are ACSOP graduates.

One really neat thing that happened during TLC was the arrival of Denver student Chris Carter, who is participating in Bear Valley’s Study Abroad program and will be a student at ACSOP until December. Isn’t that a great opportunity?!?! The Study Abroad program is yet another reason for men who want to train to preach to choose Bear Valley.

BONUS: Listen to this incredible singing HERE and HERE


Keith Kasarjian

Posted on October 15, 2020 .