Maximizing the use of technology in Peru

Greetings dear brothers,
A fraternal greeting to you from Lima - Peru,
This has been a very busy month despite the fact that we have many limitations to do what we are passionate about, yet the ministry continues as well as the programs related to the institute.

We are transmitting our programs 8 times a week in a virtual way (I mean virtual studies or sermons as part of our congregational work, in which we have one of our students involved with a lot of commitment, I mean Alejandro Berrio). We have done some benevolence activities as well, thanks to the help of generous brothers who are kind enough to share their material blessings with us.

The institute continues to offer its classes virtually and the last course has been Marriage and Family. Brother Yens Nima was the instructor for this course. For his report, our students have passed the course with satisfactory grades.

Thinking about implementing new things taking advantage of the circumstances and opportunities, we have considered it a good idea to implement a webinar prior to each course to continue awakening interest in the courses and the institute's class program among our brothers. Our first webinar is scheduled for October 24 prior to the Galatians course in November, which will be taught again by Brother Yens Nima. 

I share a few brief thoughts from Yens and the course he has taught:

"First of all, I thank God and at the same time the brothers who gave me the opportunity to teach this subject to the students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, our Brother Juan Abanto and Abraham Alata. It is an honor to serve the cause of God through this course that we have been teaching Marriage and Family. Well, the study included the biblical and theological bases of the family but with special emphasis on the treatment of the ministerial family.... This course provided, from the biblical and theological bases, some valuable tools for the strengthening of our marital and family relationship as ministers. This will enable us to be equipped and sensitized to help other families who will seek our advice and guidance in times of pain and difficulty. In addition, we will have a good foundation to train those who are not yet married, to prevent some of the unfortunate situations that we have had to face due to our lack of knowledge and experience" Yens Nima.

The course scheduled for this month of October is Church History and will be presented by Abraham Alata, classes begin on October 5.

Posted on October 15, 2020 .