More conversions in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Activity Operations Report for Aug 2019

Greetings to all of you outside there who are interested in the work we do here at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. Another month has ended and we are glad to give you an update of the activities that transpired during that rainy month of August. Besides the normal classroom work which was good, we had to engage renovation of the students’ dinning and the installation of electricity. We also converted 6 persons to Christ during our preaching work. Below are some of the details of these things.

Classroom: Although all 17 students are still on roll, only 16 of them fully participated and completed the courses scheduled for the month under review. The one student with a reference in 1 major course is a government employee, a public school teacher who had asked permission for this biblical training, but was compelled to report back for a period of more than a week needed for correction of public exam papers. The other 16 students who participated were commended for good work.

Evangelism: We did not really get the time to go out on evangelism as before because of the rains. We however had brief moments on a few Sunday afternoons to speak to those who were already visiting with us and some around our meeting areas. In this way we converted 3 persons in Gueckedou town and 1 in each of 3 villages where our students are assigned for the Lord’s Day activitiesThe woman converted in the village of Bandali-leh is the wife of the chief.  In all, 6 persons were baptized in Christ!

Students’ Dinning Renovation: Not only was the roof damaged by the rains, but termites also destroyed most of the wooden structure prepared especially for students’ dinning. The hall has been extended and renovated. We also purchased one some type of desk-bench and a small table for a full accommodation and convenience of all students.

Electricity Installation: The cost was high, but publicity electricity is preferred to that of frequent gasoline purchase and generator maintenance. Though it is only 5 hours a day, but light is available at the time when it is most needed for photo copies and studies – 19hrs – 24hrs / 0 hrs.  Hopefully, our application for the facility or its activities to be considered for “government charge” as it is for all religious centers – churches and mosques will be granted. That means, if the request is granted no light bills will be required of the school.

Conclusion: We wish to thank and appreciate you all. Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute is moving forward because of your spiritual and material support. Please keep us in your prayers so that these laborer achieve their training to serve the Master.

Until then, be blessed.

Posted on October 7, 2019 .