Graduation in Chimala


We are very thankful to God that we've been able to graduate eight into the Lord's service! On Friday, November 2, 2018, we held our most recent graduation ceremony honoring those who have competed all two years in the Swahili program at Chimala.  In the graduating class, we had students from many parts of Tanzania and who will now depart the school and return to work with those churches.

We will also have 10 returning English students in January. Some of the students are from the Congo refugee camp on the western side of Tanzania. It is a great opportunity to train these men from the refugee camp as they, after graduation, will go back and preach in the refugee camp and eventually back in their home country of the Congo. What an opportunity that God has presented to us!

We are also thankful for Richard Rogers, who is currently in the US until school restarts in January, along with all of the CBI teachers for the good work that they do. To God be the glory in all things!

In Christ,

Chad Wagner

Chimala Coordinator

Posted on November 26, 2018 .