20 baptisms in Chimala, Tanzania


The following is an Evangelism report from one of our CBI teachers, Joseph Haonga. You will be blessed in reading this report. Chad Wagner

Greetings we hope that God our creator is with you all.

Here at CBI we are doing well and have finished the year of our school with great blessings from our heavenly Father.  We have done a lot these few weeks in classes and evangelism as follows:

We had a wonderful seminar with the Form IV graduates at Herring Christian Secondary School with 58 students were taught about sin and it effects, the church, and God’s plan of Salvation. The students had a lot of questions; like, “if there is only one true church what are the conclusions of those denominations?” Really, they understood the truth although they made their heart hard to repent and being baptized. They just promised to do later. This seminar was organized by Remmy Mfaume (HCSS Bible Teacher), Lenkos Mkwama (Elder at Mission Church), and Alphonce Simion, one of our CBI graduates this year.

Second, we have several village trips with students, teachers and preachers at Mapangala, Tukuyu, Mabadaga, Mbalizi and other areas for preaching the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Fortunately, we had our practical evangelism campaignn for one week at Igurusi Church of Christ where our students attended accompanied with teachers, preachers and Christians from various congregations. It was wonderful for our students to have experience in public preaching, house to house and congregational seminars.  As the results of this week of practical evangelism, five souls were added to the Lords church.  

We had great time around the Chimala Mission as the efforts of the dedicated student results 5 souls have been added to the Kingdom of God.  Also, we have 2 souls at Mbalizi and one soul at Ilongo.

It was a shocking thing at Tukuyu this last week after the devotion when three people received the Gospel and ready for baptism. When they were in the car to the river, one restored Christian died in the car. Really was a very hard time because this brother, Anthony Mwaihojo, attended the preaching school at Kitekelo in the 1960’s and he was back sliding for long time. But when we start the church at Tukuyu, we met with him and he was one of the members there for two weeks before his death. He left his family Sunday morning with the message that if anyone wants to worship God among of his family, they must be a member of the Church of Christ. We thank God for all because of his funeral. We had a great opportunity to preach about Christ and His church and many people was amazing the way Church of Christ teaching and doing. Some have already invited us for more teachings for Tukuyu. We had 5 Baptisms for a total of 20 for this month.

Thanks for your prayers and support. 

Joseph Haonga and the Chimala Bible Institute Team

Posted on November 14, 2016 .