Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from Wotutu. We do hope this report finds you well and sound in faith. By the grace of God we are doing great. The weather was better this past week and health is better for many of our Christians.
All our students are out to 21 different congregations in Cameroon teaching, preaching, evangelizing, and nurturing congregations. They ended their campaign today, and by next Sunday when they will return to Wotutu, I will share stories about their work. Keep praying for them as many now are on the road leaving areas where they went for campaign to their own villages.
I will use this opportunity to share with you the work of the Brightland Christian Academy, a school where we are struggling daily to have influence on the kids in our communities. This year we have kids leaving 5 different villages to attend the school. This is an open door for us to reach those communities with the gospel also as we transplant the truth daily to the kids. We know we can easily reach their parents.
One of our graduates, brother Nsong Nelson, taught Bible during devotionals, chapel, and in different classes daily to the kids in Brightland. His work is making an impact firsthand, as the kids sing to the glory of God without clapping their hands and dancing as their parents do in their denominations. Kids go back home with that and on Sunday, many around Wotutu come and study with our children in the church hall and worship with us. That is great as their parents don’t stop them from coming. Keep praying for more open doors for the gospel.
It is not very easy to teach these kids who are young and have empty minds. Teachers in lower classes make sure they hold the hands of these kids to teach them how to use the pencil on their books.
Thanks to sister Nancy that brought some good wall charts containing numbers and the alphabet. These very little kids can learn easily as they see the letters and numbers on the wall in bold. This is a great tool and it helps them a lot.
Some of our permanent wall charts contain Bible information, like one the books of the Bible. This helps our kids in the school to keep learning the 66 books of the Bible, not the number books found in some Bible versions which is 72 and 85.
Many thanks to Mission Printing and those who contributed funds to make sure these rich tracts made it to Cameroon. Many preachers and different congregations continue to come to Wotutu to make selections of tracts that help ease their evangelistic efforts in their area. God bless Mission Printing and we can only say, “thank you for your great help to the work here.”
We still plan mass evangelism in the Tiko likoumba area when our students will return from campaign. Keep praying for the success of our plans.
God bless you. Thank you very much for all that you do to make things happen here. God alone will bless you and keep you strong as you continue to work for Him.
Prayer Request
Please keep one of our instructors in your prayers. Brother Norbert Bekwike struggles with his prostate, and the doctor said the only solution will be surgery and it is an emergency. Please keep him in your prayers and also help financially as 300.000 frs is needed within these days to do that. We pray God touches your heart as usual to help this brother.
Do your best to share this report with others.
God bless you.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu