A number of reports were turned in this week. The news continues to be impressive, as the program grows in productivity around the world. Not only are current students involved in the work after graduation, but men are being recruited to be a part of the program in the next class of students for 2011.
As we continue to work at finalizing plans for the upcoming start of the Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu, excitement fills the air. Classes are scheduled to begin January 3rd 2011. Please remember to pray for the incoming students and the staff of the program in Cameroon.
I will limit any comments on the front end to allow everyone to spend their time reading the reports at length. Thank you for all you do to help with the advancement of the gospel throughout the world in training men to teach the gospel to their own people.
Coordinator Updates
At this point, I am not aware of anyone traveling among the men who are coordinating the various schools. Most of the men involved have returned home safely and are working to plan the year ahead. It would be greatly appreciated if you would remember to pray for the decisions being made in the plans for 2011. There is much work ahead.
Extension Reports
North India Bible College: Chandigarh, India
The church is growing in Northern India, as well as, the school in Chandigarh. Read more here.
CSMT - Nigeria
The prison ministry in Abakaliki, Nigeria continues to be productive. Read more here.
Chimala Bible College: Chimala, Tanzania
One class graduates in Chimala and another is about to begin. Read Garry Hill's report.
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
Eight students graduate in Arusha, Tanzania. Read more of Cy Stafford's report.
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Chann Lork's daughter has arrived. Read more about this and the work.
Final Thoughts
I believe everyone has a better picture now of just how incredible the work has been and continues to be in extension training. I am constantly amazed at the level of sacrifice so many make to keep the work strong and fruitful.
I know I expressed my gratitude last week for each of you and the support you are providing at every level. There is not a day that goes by when I do not express thanksgiving to our God for you. Your efforts are what aid in the development of the greatest work on earth... preaching the gospel.
God bless