Help us be giving to the

Denny Petrillo Staff Scholarship Fund

and more.

As a work of the Bear Valley church of Christ and under the oversight of the Bear Valley eldership since 1965, we have labored to accomplish the commission of 2 Timothy 2:2 - entrusting the pattern of sound teaching in the gospel to faithful men who will then in turn be equipped to teach others. While the scope of our work has expanded, we have never lost sight of that fundamental mission.

While our mission encompasses the entire globe, each individual location focuses on the needs of the local church. Whether in Colorado, Cambodia, or Cameroon, our schools build up the church, strengthening Christians and seek the lost.

Our connection with APOLOGETICS PRESS

Bear Valley has a long and close connection with the staff at Apologetics Press. Dave Miller, Eric Lyons, Kyle Butt, and Jeff Miller are truly experts is their fields and teach classes in Apologetics and Christian Evidences our two year Preaching Program. Recently, the AP staff along with Bear Valley President Denny Petrillo, and Director of International Studies, Keith Kasarjian discussed the BV-AP connection.


Upcoming Opportunity to travel to the Bible Lands:

Bear Valley Bible Institute Bible Lands Studies Program

March 2026

This incredible opportunity to tour the land of the Bible is offered every two years to our students, alumni, and others (all are welcome to join us). It helps the Bible come alive in the minds and hearts of students of the Word as they study and learn.
If you are interested in joining us in 2026, contact the Bible Passages team at

What it means to be part of the Bear Valley experience


Listen to our instructors as they spend time IN THE TEXT…

Visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL for more

Please help us continue this world-wide effort to train men to preach.

Together, we can train preachers all over the world.
